Chapter 23

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The next morning, Elijah and I get up and get ready to meet everyone so we can start officially planning our attack on Liam. It looks like some of the pack members took it upon themselves to dust the pack's meeting room. It hasn't really been used for ages, at least not since my dad last had Darius' father killed for what he did to mom. Dad is standing in the room, arms folded over his chest as he speaks to the former beta and Ross's uncle. Elijah is holding my hand tight as we walk in. I walk over to my dad and touch his shoulder which causes him to turn to me.

"Hey kiddo. You ready for your first big meeting?" My towering father smiles down at me. He's definitely proud that I'm really taking initiative with my role as king. I know he was worried that my omega genes would keep me from being the king I needed to be in his eyes but now he realizes that I'm figuring out the king I want to be on my own and he's so happy to see it.

"I'm nervous but we have to do something. I can't just sit around while he hurts people I care about."

"I know, Josilus. You'll put an end to this, I know it."  He nods.

"Thanks dad. I hope this all goes well and we have a thought out plan."

"You'll do just fine. You're doing great as king already." Joey grins at me, just as cheery as Ross. You can see the family genes are pretty strong in their family too. Ross's parents are stationed in Italy at the moment. The two of them travel all over the world talking to other packs in our name which in turn has brought us allies and even new pack members. They offered Ross to come with them with their move but he didn't want to leave his two best friends. He felt too tethered to us so his parents assigned his uncle, brother to his dad, to be his legal guardian in their stead. It's almost like he knew my sister was going to be his mate. All he had to do was wait.

"Thanks, Joey. I appreciate it. And thank you for being here and grabbing the head of every division in the pack. It's a huge help."

"Not a problem. Ross did help me. He wanted to truly fulfill his duties as beta to you both."

"What about me?" Ross and Jru walk in, his arm around her waist.

"I was just saying how big of a help you were gathering all the divisions."

"Oh...well as long as it's all good things." Ross puts on a cheeky smirk. Jru rolls her eyes.

"Everyone should be here shortly. I made sure the proper parties woke up." Jru drolls.

"Good. Were the warriors behaving themselves?" Elijah asks. Still being the captain, he wants to know if any of them have been causing trouble.

"They were all well behaved. They know better to act up in front of their queen who so happens to also be their Captain's sister-in-law."

"Fair enough. I'm glad they know the time and place to act accordingly. Sometimes they don't know how to control themselves." Elijah let's out a sigh of relief, glad he won't have to reprimand anyone today.

"They do goof off sometimes, don't they?" I chime in with a bit of laughter.

"Indeed they do." Elijah agrees, remembering the grief they sometimes cause him. More people start to flood into the room, chattering and trying to find their seats. I decide to give them a couple minutes before I begin the meeting. Once I see pretty much everyone in the room, I decide it's time to start.

"Can I have everyone's attention, please!" I raise my voice so all of them can hear. They quickly quiet down and turn to me. "Alright, everyone take your seats. We will begin the meeting." Everyone takes their seats, as do I at the head of the long table. "Thank you for all coming at such short notice." Just then, Rowan rushes in, closing the door quietly behind him. I look to him and nod to the open seat next to Eli.

Traces of Elijah: The Path of the KingWhere stories live. Discover now