Chapter 7

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Upon arriving home, I look at Elijah after putting the girls down for bed. We sit there, facing the reality we're faced with. We haven't said it but we both know, Liam knows about Lina's true paternity and he plans to use it against us somehow.

"What are we gonna do, Elijah? He knows...he won't admit it but you can just feel it..."

"Im not sure what we can do...if he really does know, why hasn't he exposed us for lying? Why toy with us?"

"That's what I want to doesn't make sense. It's been weeks. He probably knew before they were even born. I'm just...I'm tired of the worry...she takes after Darius...once she gets older, more people will start noticing, it'll only be a matter of time..."

"Elijah don't say that..."

"I wish Darius wasn't here that night...I wish it was just's how it was supposed to be and then that witch fucked everything up..." This is the first time I'm seeing him actually upset about what happened between Darius and I.

"Elijah...there's nothing that could've been done-"

"No! There's many things we could've done. We knew somebody would come for you that night. It was your birthday for Christ sake and we were anticipating some attack on you because of what I heard from visiting the neighboring packs. I knew! I knew and I didn't do anything to help but tell you what I heard! What kind of mate does that? I should've done everything to protect you! I was head of security and I lost you!" He has tears in his eyes and he's shaking. I can tell he's been hurting over this. I hold his face and shake my head.

"Elijah, couldn't have guessed some random magic spell would force me to sleep with the man I absolutely despised. No one saw that coming...he had an obsession and I knew you were my true mate, not him. I love you, I love our daughters. As long as we stay together we will be one in this world knows about Lina except for you, me, and that doctor doing surgery on your brother right got me and I got you. Me and the girls are here. We're not going anywhere babe." I stroke his cheek and he leans into my hand, melting a little as he closes his eyes. Tears roll down his cheeks

"I know...I know you wouldn't willingly leave..."

"No, no one will ever take me from you...never again..." I kiss his lips gently. "You got me for life and I will die before we're separated again." He nods, kissing my lips again. I can feel his fear through it. His fear of losing me, losing the girls pains me. I wish I could reassure him better but as long as there are others out to ruin what we have, he will never have a calm mind about it.
"I wish I could make you feel a lot better, my love..."

"I feel a little better just having you in my arms..." he gently caresses my back and waist, savoring the feeling of me as our foreheads touch. Just then, there's a knock at out door.

"Yes??" The door then opens.

"I am finished with the surgery. It was successful. Your brother is resting now, Elijah."

"Thank you, doctor."

"Can we see him?" My husband asks.

"Yes. He won't be waking for a short while."

"Alright..." Elijah nods, clearly still worried for his brother.

"I can stay here with the girls while you watch your brother." I tell him as I cup his cheek.

"Okay...I'll be downstairs if you need anything."

"And I'll be up here if you need anything." I smile at him. He pulls me in for a gentle kiss, finding a silent sense of comfort in it.

"I love you..." he says in a hushed tone.

"I love you, too. Now go, Watch over your brother. I'll be right here when you get back," I say, stroking his cheek, reassuring him that everything will be alright. He nods and slips away from me, down the stairs to the infirmary to visit his resting brother.

Traces of Elijah: The Path of the KingWhere stories live. Discover now