Attack during the party

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Finally it was Friday and the party for the new students began. The Moonix Girls went there together. Alyson had finished her new dress, a short green one, Florenzia and Trisha wore their new clothes and Michella had just come in her everyday clothes because she knew she wouldn't stay long. The group attracted all the attention in this composition. Some girls came and admired Alyson's and Trisha's clothes. Only Bianca and Amy joined the other two.

"Well...", Bianca whispered and looked at Florenzia, "It's carnival again."

Amy just said derogatory: "Believe me, Bi, she only wears clothes like that."

"Oh Bianca", Florenzia replied with a malicious grin, "I didn't even recognize you behind your clown make-up."

The addressed growled and looked at Michella: "And it seems that you can't afford anything."

Michella didn't look at her, but said, "And you need to beat others up in order to feel better. Which of us is worse off?" The redhead felt more uncomfortable because everyone was watching her. She wanted to leave immediately. But she had promised the others that she would at least stay for a while.

Bianca laughed: "Really? Is that your argument?"

"You seem to have run out of them", Florenzia replied, "If you start like that ..." Trisha and Alyson came immediately and pulled their friends away from the others. The fairy of luck crossed her arms and looked seriously at Florenzia: "No argument today. You promised."

The addressee didn't change her face and said: "I haven't started." Suddenly she grinned: "Well, I haven't started yet."

Alyson slapped her hand against her forehead, but laughed: "I know that face."

"Don't do it," Michella pleaded, feeling uncomfortable, "you won't make her leave school."

"Who knows," Florenzia replied, "So what do we do now?"

Trisha turned to the front: "I'll find a cute guy and go dancing."

Suddenly she hit Alejandro, who looked at her in surprise and then smiled. "Am I cute enough for you?" He asked mischievously and Trisha blushed.

"Yes, your are," she said softly and then smiled, "and you are strong."

The young magician bowed and held out one hand: "May I then ask for this dance?" Trisha immediately agreed.

When they were out of earshot, Alyson asked, "How long are you giving them?"

Florenzia folded her arms again: "Ally, they are not together yet. But when they are, I'll give them a maximum of a month."

Michella hated this game because she was always right in her thinking. Still, she answered, "I think he has a secret. I give them three weeks."

"A secret?" Alyson asked, while she was looking at him.

Michella shrugged her shoulders: "He looks like that."

Florenzia said: "Maybe he already has a girlfriend? He looks like a womanizer to me. But Trish will have her own experience. Like every time."

Alyson smiled: "You're right. And now I'm going to pair you up."

"What?", Michella asked at the same moment as Florenzia growled "No".

"Then not" Alyson turned away from the two of them and looked at the hall: "But don't you at least want to dance?"

Michella bowed to Alyson and held out a hand to her: "Would you like to dance with me?"

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