Professor Hilen and Group fights

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It was late in the evening when Headmistress Fiora stood in the office of the dark magic section of her school and looked out over the city. The head of it, Miss Hilen, had invited her. She was still young and had that stereotypical witch quality of making fun of anything and everyone who had experienced bad things. And yet, in the worst case, she would always stand by the good guys.

"You see?", she said with a grin as she stroked her cat Gino, "I said that you can best see the destruction from here. The fight was even more interesting."

"That was the favorite meeting place of our students", Fiora murmured and turned to Hilen, "Stop making fun of it. The café belonged to the parents of a new student."

The witch brushed her long, light blonde hair back and looked emphatically at the head mistress: "Michella, the fairy with the powers of time. I know. Gino sees and hears a lot. Her parents were and are again agents of the magical council. We should encourage them and their friends. Something tells me that the Moonix Girls will still achieve a lot."

"Moonix Girls?" Fiora asked, only surprised.

Hilen nodded: "That's the name they gave themselves. Isn't the prophecy waiting for Moonix?"

"For a fairy with the transformation," Fiora replied. The witch smiled and quoted: "When the mistress of darkness spreads her wings and the angel has fallen, the moon will rise and Moonix will blaze a new light in the magical dimension. Is it really just a coincidence that they appear right now when the dark mistress is supposedly back?"

Fiora walked around the room: "We still don't know enough. Who is the dark mistress? You don't mean that it is ...?"

Hilen waited and then answered calmly: "Nobody knows. It could be the one who last gave herself the name. The one your son-in-law cursed and locked away. If she were to be set free, it would really be a bit of the end of the world. As for the angel, it will be a fairy or a witch who attains the Angelix form - my theory. Perhaps not even a dark mistress can beat the real angels. And Moonix ... it's the same as the angel theory. Maybe it's the transformation, maybe not."

"The girls are too young," Fiora said, "they are in their first year. And apart from Michella, none of them have the necessary talent."

"Oh, my love," Hilen put Gino down and stood up, "The time girl is really special. That's true, but the others shouldn't be despised in the future. Luck is superficial, but people cling to it. Luck is hope fulfilled. Luck is the light. A fairy of Luck can cheer people up and pave the way for the new light. Diamonds are beautiful to look at. Diamonds don't break easily. You can't break them, but they break the light. A diamond fairy can make the moonlight appear in different colors and protect it. Moon flowers bloom at night - In the dark - when all seems lost."

The witch laughed and went to the window and looked at the ruined café: "Maybe I'm wrong, but if we don't encourage the girls, we'll never find out."

"I'm thinking about it," Fiora said seriously, "I've had enough for today. The day was long enough. Sleep well."

"Not at night," Hilen said with a laugh. When the head mistress was gone, she sat down again over her old book that she had had from a secret and illegal campaign in which another important book was first bought and then stolen. But she hadn't thought about that.

She read for a long time. When the first ray of sun reached the book, it released a secret message: "When the mistress of darkness spreads her wings and the angel has fallen, the moon will rise and Moonix will blaze a new light in the magical dimension. //////// Stars rise and form a wreath of light and darkness. Only when you accept your inner being you will be successful. Mourning and suffering must not intimidate them; otherwise the magical dimension will sink into pain."

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