Trisha in Love

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Florenzia looked at her friend with mixed feelings and finally said: "I am also not enthusiastic about Alejandro, but isn't it too far to distrust him right away?"

Michella shook her head: "That's not it. I've had something against all the guys Trisha liked, but I sense danger from him. It is as if a strange aura surrounds him."

The fairy of the moon flowers nodded: "You know that I like to trust your judgment when it comes to the appearance of people. We all do. Why don't you talk to Trisha about it?"

"She doesn't even listen to the simplest conversations", Michella growled, "She wants Mason to test him. She thinks he's the right one."

"Of course," Florenzia sighed, "They have known each other for five days and have been together since last night. I like Trisha, but she has absolutely no instinct for boys. I'll ask Lilli to snoop around in his files."

"Thank you," Michella said and only now noticed Florenzia's injury, "Did you ... cut your cheek? How did you manage that?"

The addressed turned away: "That's nothing more. Injuries like this happen."

Michella knew that she was hiding something from her, but she also knew that her friend was hiding nothing for no reason: "Well, if you say that. Should I go?"

"I'm sorry," Florenzia said, "Today is not my day. I'll come up with something about Alejandro, but for the moment I want to be alone."

Michella nodded and said goodbye. When she was gone, Florenzia uncovered her legs and stroked them. She hated the spell this woman had used on her. Although it had been some time since she woke up in her room, she still had no feeling in her legs. Her father had assured her that the spell would wear off quickly. As long as that wasn't the case, Florenzia could blame her anger on it.

In fact, she was mad at herself. She wasn't paying attention and that's why her father has to hand the book over to this strange woman. When Florenzia's father came to her in the evening and brought her food, he said, after he was sure that no one was listening to them and he had closed the door: "I tried to contact the guardians of the forbidden planet."

He sighed and Florenzia asked impatiently: "It was the Mistress of darkness, wasn't it?"

"It's not certain," he replied, "I've already told you. There are many witches who pretend to be the Mistress of darkness."

Florenzia growled, "I can see that you are worried. What happened when you tried to contact the forbidden planet?"

Her father stood at the window: "To be precise: nothing. Nothing! Our communication is considered to be the best in the entire magical dimension, but I was unable to establish contact. Not the slightest sound. I will leave for Magix immediately and if my suspicion that a foreign power has prevented everything is confirmed, I will personally travel to the forbidden planet to look and to prove that the alleged Mistress is still there."

"You locked her up there," the fairy whispered, "you said that yourself earlier. You saw the attacker. If it hadn't been for her, you wouldn't doubt now and try desperately to prove the opposite."

"I didn't see anything," her father countered, "Just a shadow. I realize that it wasn't, but I didn't see anything else."

Florenzia leaned forward and stroked her legs, which slowly got a feeling again: "And this book? Does that provide information about something?"

Her father reflected: "It held many secrets of the magical dimension. Anyone who has enough knowledge can use it to increase their power."

"That fits," Florenzia mumbled, "At least it fits the rumors I've heard."

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