Split up

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Early in the morning of Day 3 on Polaris, Alyson nervously stepped outside the Magic Council's research building. The sun shone on the mountain range to the north, making it appear like a crown of light. A sight that would have taken the Diamond Fairy's breath away if she weren't so nervous.

She took a deep breath and put her right hand under the coat where her heart lay. She felt her heart beating. Then she tried to focus. She wanted to feel something. The right way, a sense of what to do, anything; but she felt nothing at that moment.

Suddenly she heard footsteps behind her.

"You won't let us down," her father Phil said.

Alyson sighed, "How can you be so sure? What if I don't live up to expectations and lose my powers?"

Phil smiled. "Then you lose your powers, but everything else stays with you. You remain a wonderful, beautiful, kind, strong young woman. And we, Mama and I and your friends, we will stay with you. You can't disappoint us."

Alyson looked down. "You've often made me feel like that."

Phil sighed. "I know. I always wanted what was best for you, Alyson. And I often overdid it. Believe me, even knowing this, I'm going to overdo it on your sisters, too. But I love you four so much. I could never forgive myself if something happened to you."

Alyson smiled and hugged her father. "It would just be enough if you tell us that you are proud of us."

Phil nodded. "I'm the proudest dad the magical dimension has ever seen. And my daughters are the most wonderful fairies the magical dimension has ever seen."

Alison laughed. "You're exaggerating."

"You laugh again for that."


Phil cleared his throat. "So now you're going to have breakfast. You never go anywhere on an empty stomach."

The Diamond Fairy nodded and walked inside smiling.

Pierre appeared next to Phil. "And is she ready?"

Phil turned to his part-time colleague. "I guess so. But like she said, if her friends help her, it can only end well."

"And are you ready?" Pierre asked further. "There was still no note from your in-laws, was there?"

Alyson's father shook his head. "I think I'm going to screw up that part of the mission. These are monsters-in-law."

Pierre put his hands on Phil's shoulders. "Even your in-laws just want to protect their daughter...even if they misjudge you. But I can tell you one thing: if I could convince Headmistress Fiora, then you will be able to convince your in-laws in no time."

Phil wasn't sure if he could believe Pierre. "Where do you get your certainties from? I miss those conversations with you. I hope you finish your missions with the Magic Council soon. I need those back from the Linphea Guardians."

Mela's voice came from the entrance of the research institute: "Hey Pierre, Phil already has a wife."

Pierre took his hands off Phil's shoulders and the latter said: "Maybe you should come with me instead. Then we'll get the monsters-in-law to talk."

Pierre patted him on the shoulder again. "Nice try, but I can handle my fellow monster. Besides, there is something only you can achieve, proudest papa of the magical dimension."

He left and Phil looked after him in bewilderment.

Mela asked when Pierre was there: "Did you give him a hint?"

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