Secrets in the underground

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"What did you hope for again from this trip?", Michella asked as they had been walking straight ahead for a while.

"Answers to the dark knights, Hagazussa, maybe even the mistress of darkness," replied Trisha, who had made the suggestion in the first place.

"I know we've been wandering around here for a while," said Alyson strainedly because she was still supporting Florenzia, "but you always say that the journey is the goal."

"I just have the feeling that we're walking through complete blackness without ever arriving anywhere," muttered the time fairy.

Florenzia startled: "Girls, do you feel that too?"

"What?" Alyson asked. The moon fairy stopped and closed her eyes. Yes, she felt a magical energy - very close by. She broke away from her friend and stumbled against the wall. She proceeded hand over hand along it. When the others were already worried about Florenzia, she pressed a stone into the wall, which opened a secret door.

"How many more clichés does the mission fulfill?" joked Alyson.

Trisha replied: "I would be more interested in what she felt."

Michella let her magical light wander into the hidden room. It was a small room with all kinds of things. In the middle was a lamp with a faint blue glow.

"What is this here?" Trisha asked. "I feel so much dark magic."

"Pictures," answered Alyson, holding up a photo. A girl with long curly turquoise hair was depicted holding a certificate in her hand. Her name was also noted on it. "Jacira. Wasn't that the key to the book door?"

As she called the name, the light in the lamp shone brighter and gave the illusion of a young fairy.

"Wow," Michella managed, startled.

"That's the girl from the photo," said Alyson. "Maybe in the Enchantix form?"

Florenzia went right in front of the illusion. "So your name is Jacira?"

The others looked at Florenzia in confusion, but then the illusion held out its hand. "Right. I am the spirit of the fairy of darkness who was once called Jacira. I've been waiting for you, young fairies."

"You've waited for us?" Trisha asked.

Still, the ghost looked only at Florenzia. "Many decades ago, the magical dimension was on the verge of succumbing to the last mistress of darkness. Five brave fairies opposed her, but our magic wasn't enough to completely undermine the power of the mistress of darkness. A new mistress has now entered the scene and fate puts you in the same predicament. It is too late to evade prophecy."

"What prophecy?" Michella asked.

"An old one, a puzzle," said the ghost in riddles. "Find the prophecy and find my mates. With our last magic we want to help you." She let a chest appear in her hands. This opened and a blue light appeared, heading for Florenzia. "You felt me. It should be your gift."

With that the ghost of the dark fairy Jacira dissolved.

"Wow," said Florenzia. "I ... feel stronger."

"Of course," said Alyson teasingly, "the strongest of us gets new strength."

"I wonder who the others are supposed to be," said Trisha, intimidated. "And anyway: prophecy? Are we supposed to fight the mistress of darkness? Have I understood that correctly?"

Florenzia let her moonlight shine again. "Don't worry about that yet. Who knows what the prophecy says. And anyway: prophecies can always be interpreted differently. First let's see if we can find something."

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