fight against a dark knight

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Miss Magna flashed another spell in her hand, but before she could fire it, the transformed Pota and Mason, along with his water tiger's spirit, stood in the way.

Pota intercepted a spell and Mason released the Spirit. Miss Magna, unaware that it was just a spirit and not the real water tiger, cast a powerful spell at him. The spirit burst and a gush of water spilled over the teacher. Before she realized it, Pota had cast another spell that knocked her to the ground for a brief moment.

"I have to say I expected more than just minor gimmicks from you guys," she growled.

"Oh, we are so many, that's enough," joked Pota. Miss Magna only now noticed that more than half of the students were now freed.

At the same moment Hagazussa, Alejandro and Bianca entered the room.

"Seriously?" asked the latter. "How could this happen to you?"

Alejandro let slimy water shoot out of the ground, which at least glued the wings of the fairies apart from Miss Magna, and Hagazussa said, "It's not their fault. I said right away I should have stayed here."

"Never mind," said Miss Magna. Hold up the students a little longer. "The mistress should have almost what she needs."

A spell rushed past the teacher. Florenzia already had the next one ready. "Maybe it's my nature, but I've never trusted you. What does the mistress of darkness want? Shouldn't she be struggling through a book of healing spells?"

"Oh come on," said Miss Magna. "Our Mistress isn't stupid enough to fall for your mother's trap. She just wanted to know what to look for. And Headmistress Fiora will surely direct her to this book right now if she doesn't want anything to happen to you."

Florenzia snorted angrily and cast off the spell. Miss Magna stopped him with one hand and shot him back twice as hard. "Anger doesn't help you. It only weakens you."

Florenzia was hit again and Alyson caught her.

"Why are you doing this?" asked Michella, still shocked. "'ve helped us so much. Especially me."

"I liked you," said Miss Magna, "you reminded me of me when I was young and naive. But most of all I helped you with your powers to analyze them for the mistress of darkness."

The answer hit Michella even harder. She had confided so much to Miss Magna. No, she had confided in her everything.

"Everything I've done was intended to earn your trust," said Miss Magna. "And when I taught you three Charmix fairies Convergence after class, it served to weaken you. You may remember. It was the day the other three trapped you and told you about the prophecy ."

"I don't believe that," said Trisha, stunned.

"That's not my problem."

"Girls," said Florenzia. "We can't let her stop us. We have to find my grandmother."

"Why us?" Pota asked. "Shouldn't some seniors do that?"

Glam and two of her classmates rushed over. "The seniors aren't here today."

"Furthermore, Florenzia should be well versed in her grandmother's affairs," said one of her companions. "We've got your back."

The Moonix Girls, Mason and Pota ran.

"Tell me, how does Margret know you from the fourth year?" Alyson asked. "She only hangs out with her own kind."

"She's Amy's sister," Florenzia replied. "But we have to concentrate now."

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