Friday evening - the perfect time for secret plans...

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Fiora stood in front of Alfea's gates. She wondered how long it had been since she'd just run away on a quiet evening like this. It was too long.

She sighed and the gate to the school opened. Faragonda came out and, like Fiora, was dressed in a dark cloak.

"We haven't seen in a long time", said the head mistress of Alfea. There was no sign of closeness in her expression. But Fiora had this feeling that her former friend was just pretending.

"Quite a long time," replied Fiora. "Let us walk. Fresh air is good."

Faragonda nodded. After a few steps she asked: "Why are you here?"

"You never came to see me," joked Fiora, but immediately became more serious again. "No, I'm here because I'm worried. About my students and yours."

Faragonda just looked straight: "With all the dangers you never have that. Is it just because one of your granddaughters is at my school?"

"Yes," replied Fiora truthfully, "but also the truth is, I am concerned about the appearance of the Dark Knights. They should be dead, but now Lord Darkar is threatening your students and Argon mine. And what's more, the mistress of darkness is back."

"And now?" Alfeas headmistress asked and was less and less able to maintain her diplomatic appearance.

"You didn't know about Argon," Fiora guessed. "Without my eldest granddaughter, I would not have found out about Lord Darkar. Her friend is employed by the Magical Council. Faragonda, we need an exchange. The situation could be worse than it was then. We mustn't wait for the Magical Council to tell us something at some point."

Faragonda nodded. "You're right. We have lost so many to the last mistress of darkness. And they say the current one is so much stronger."

"Do you believe in prophecies?" Fiora asked.

"Of course," replied Faragonda.

The headmistress of the MoonAcademy sighed, "We must have been part of a prophecy and screwed it up. I don't believe in it, but one of my granddaughters and her friends named themselves Moonix. Just like we did then. And apparently the knight and maybe even the mistress of darkness believe that they could be the chosen ones to defeat the misstress of darkness. I want to ask you what you do with the Winx. They are definitely chosen thanks to Dominos Princess. What do you teach them to prepare them for their fate?"

Faragonda sat on a fallen tree and looked up at the moon, which shone faintly through a not too large cloud. "You are the headmistress of the most successful school of magic in the magical dimension and you ask me?"

"We don't train heroes," replied Fiora. "Fairies with extraordinary abilities usually become heroes. But I seem to have to bring up heroines."

Faragonda nodded: "You always had your nose in books. I teach the students convergence. And in order to survive that, they have to recognize the innermost core of their powers. For that you have to go deep within yourself."

"The inside?" Fiora wondered.

"Give me an example," Faragonda asked.

"Diamond," replied Fiora carefully. She wanted to find out the inner workings of her granddaughter's magic. Faragonda thought for a moment. "Beautiful, pure, refracts the light, the hardest gemstone in the world. This magic can create impenetrable protective shields and give a false appearance."

Fiora thought too. "That's correct. Professor Janissa also hopes for strong and self-made weapons. And Professor Hilen said that she can send the refracted light anywhere. But how do I teach them that?"

Moonix Girls - The mysterious Book ThiefUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum