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"Be quiet!", Miss Magna entered the room in a bad mood. Lilliana followed her quickly and answered Florenzia's questioning look with a shrug. Of course, the strict teacher was rarely the most pleasant person, but being in a bad mood on the first day after the vacation wasn't like her. That's why Lilli took over the first words: "Good morning, I hope you had a nice vacation. We will now first go through the plan for the coming weeks. As already expected, we won't go on excursions for the time being."

"Great," commented Bianca ironically, "because of our great heroines, we are the only idiots who are no longer allowed to go on excursions."

"Shut up," Florenzia snapped at her. "You almost act as if we wanted to be in such a situation."

"Quiet!" Miss Magna yelled so loudly that almost everyone in the room woke up. "We're not the only idiots. A fourth year student was attacked by the same monster the day before yesterday."

"Glam," whispered Michella.

"It seems like the monster is specifically targeting MoonAcademy students," Lilliana continued. "It seems that the monster belongs to the book thief. We believe it is looking for another way to get the books. That's why there are also new rules for boarding school students. If you want to travel to other cities, you need a permit. You are only allowed into the silver forest for an hour and only with a permit. For external students, this is a recommendation in addition to the fact that you no longer have permission to be on the Academy premises from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. unless you have permission from Miss Magna or one of the four directors or the head mistress."

"Is it all because of a few attacks?" Marcus asked, a classmate with long dark hair and a light beard.

"Let my father complain," Bianca said, whose father was a nobleman.

"Guys, that's supposed to protect us," Michella said aloud. It was rare for her to raise her voice, which is why it always caused astonishment. Of course not with the experienced teacher Magna.

"Exactly," she said irritably. "This institution is committed to keeping you safe. And if you don't want to be in trouble, you'd better take care of following these rules. Did you understand that?" Everyone nodded. "Well, let's talk about your exam results."

"I would love to know what she had," Lilliana said during the breakfast break. This time she spent it with her sister. This only said: "I am not interested."

"Maybe the new rules?" Michella suggested, on whose lap Alyson was asleep.

Lilliana shook her head: "Grandmother only announced this early this morning in the monthly meeting. Magna was already in a bad mood."

"I would be in that mood for Monday morning if I had a meeting beforehand," Florenzia said.

Trisha nodded in agreement: "Besides, Miss Magna is rarely a sunshine."

Lilliana shook her head: "Something is different than usual. I can feel it. Don't you, Michella?"

"Hard to say," she replied honestly. "She seemed very stressed. As I said, I thought it was because of the new rules. But she only had a very short patience today."

"Right," Lilli said with a pitying look at Alyson. "How she rebuked Alyson earlier when she nodded off. Why is she actually so tired?"

"Who knows," Florenzia said. "We didn't hear from her yesterday and today she was almost too late. Clear signs that she watched one of her favorite anime yesterday."

Lilliana rolled her eyes and stood up: "Well, I want to prepare a little for the next lesson. Thank you for letting me share my worries with you."

Moonix Girls - The mysterious Book ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now