Travelling to Polaris

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The end of the second term had been reached and all organization was complete when the Moonix Girls and their friends arrived back at headmistress Fiora's office. The friends included Michella's girlfriend Chris, Trisha's brother Mason and his friend Pota - a tall fairy man with black dreadlocks and very dark skin. After receiving the instruction from Mela that they could probably use any help, Mason had suggested him. But another friend would show up...

"That looks like a decent group," said Iris when everyone had gathered in the office. Everyone also said: The parents of the Moonix Girls except Trisha's mother Almut, who still wanted nothing to do with the prophecy, and Florenzia's mother Gabriele, who was supposed to take care of Alyson's siblings.

"For those who don't know me yet", Iris looked at the friends of the Moonix Girls, "My name is Iris, I am Headmistress Fiora's youngest daughter and a scientist for the Magic Council. I've been doing research on Polaris for a few weeks, so I'll lead our little mission here."

Suddenly Alisha jumped out of the shadows. "And I will accompany you."

Iris remained calm, but her eyes told that she wanted nothing less.

"Lish!" Alyson exclaimed, grinning. "If you join us, nothing can go wrong."

"Or everything," Florenzia quipped.

"No worries, Iris," Headmistress Fiora whispered. "The Moonix Girls will take care of her if anything happens."

Iris sighed and cleared her throat. "Can I get your attention again? We'll be leaving shortly afterwards for the small town of Valo near the capital of Polaris. Alyson, you and your parents will hide in the ship before landing. Polaris has an air base to control all new arrivals. We must prevent our mission from ending there. As for the're acting as trainees for the Magic Council. Luckily you are now officially on vacation. When we get to Valo, we have to stay at the research site for two days. Polaris is very suspicious of strangers. Therefore we are officially accompanied for one day. In fact, it's usually one more day. After that we'll divide you into groups." She turned to the adults. "Synthia, you and Phil go to your parents. They should enlighten you again about all the legends Polaris that they still know. The Magic Council got their address. Mela, Killian and Pierre, you will know your own ways to get information." Mela gave her a thumbs up with an amused look. Iris turned to the Moonix Girls. "Michella and Chris, you both travel to the capital and go to the planetary library. Get everything about the goddess you can find. Alyson, you grab Trisha, Mason and Pota and go to the capital as well. Competitions are often held there to find a replacement for Diamond Fairies. Whoever wins there can go to the goddess without the pressure of the royal palace because they believe that none of the winners are good enough anyway. Under no circumstances should anyone find out that you are a diamond fairy. Then all eyes of the kingdom will be on you and you won't get out of there that easily. So, does everyone agree with the tasks?"

Michella looked at Florenzia and Alisha, who were nodding, and asked, "What is your job?"

"A secret," Alisha replied with a grin. "If we succeed, we'll tell you."

Florenzia shook her head. "Let's say our family knows another way to find gods, but the how is a secret to be shared only within the family."

Headmistress Fiora nodded. "So please be aware that this is not a simple mission. If it goes well, you'll learn secrets beyond what normal fairies, witches, and wizards learn in the Magical Dimension."

"What if it goes wrong?" Alyson asked, now worried. "What if I don't live up to the goddess' demands?"

"If you don't fulfill them, you lose your powers," Iris said seriously. "It has happened to everyone who has been with her so far. For everything else, there are solutions. But from the way I got to know you, I know that you are the right one." The scientist smiled briefly. "Polarians have peculiar notions of pure, beautiful, and strong. Your mother will know best. You will have to adapt to the competition, but when you come to Goddess, just be yourself."

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