The other parts of the school

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"Welcome to the Castle of Light Magic," Professor Jolie said, greeting the group of the students that had been assigned to him that week. Trisha and Michella had been divided into group two, which were to visit the aforementioned castle first. To make it easier for everyone to get started, every student in both A-classes should study the subject that would most likely suit them best.

"I will show you in the next days what it means to be a student of light magic. Personally, I always believe in the good in everything and everyone and if you do that and act accordingly, you will always pass here. But you have to do more to get good grades."

"What a bad joke," Miss Magna muttered, who accompanied Group 2 for the time being.

"And now I'll show you around," Professor Jolie said happily. At the end of the tour they arrived at the great library of light magic. "Look around. After the break we will all meet again in the room we were before."

All spread out. Miss Magna looked around the first floor. How hypnotic she was drawn to a thick book on healing magic. When she tried to reach for it, Professor Jolie grabbed her arm.

She was frightened: "Is something wrong?"

"The book is taboo," the professor said, pointing to a sign underneath.

Miss Magna nodded. "I heard the book thief was here last week. Did she want it?"

The professor nodded: "It looks important." He took the book down and whispered: "Just between us, dear colleague, it's just the treatise on medicinal herbs. Nothing can be deduced from this, but if the book thief thinks it is important, I let her believe it and set my traps around it." He put it back.

Magna asked, "And why are you telling me this? Shouldn't you be more careful? Headmistress Fiora believes the book thief is among us."

"We are colleagues," he said with a smile before moving on.

Michella and Trisha stood two rows down. "Well, are you in heaven?" the latter asked.

The redhead replied: "I always am when books are around. I wonder if I can find out something about my strength here."

"I was here at the castle with Alyson the other day," Trisha said. "Should I show you the café during the next break?"

"Books and coffee," said Michella and both ended the sentence with: "The perfect mix."

Bianca came to the two of them and put an arm around Trisha shoulders: "Or you can come with me and Leandra and learn what is really fun. Really, you can't be so boring forever."

Trisha shook her off: "What do you want Bianca? I can think of many better things than being bossed around by you. We are not friends."

"But we could be friends," she said. "Think about the good vibes here."

"And why only me and not Michella?" Trisha asked challengingly.

Bianca replied: "If it really has to be, she can come too."

"No thanks ..." Michella muttered. "Something in your eyes is sparkling with falsehood."

"What ?!" Bianca growled. "You should be glad I gave you the opportunity to come with me at all."

"Well," Michella admitted. "You don't like us, we don't like you. We're all torturing ourselves with this conversation."

Trisha nodded: "I like to be boring."

Bianca snorted and turned to go: "You will still wish that you had not turned down the invitation."

"As if", both said when Bianca was finally gone.

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