Part 29

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A/N: here is your feeding. Leave no scraps. lol thank you all for 21k :) if you aren't already, go follow my twitter AND my ao3 account:) [ao3 - moonlight_1119. Twitter- Moonlight__1119, two underscored in my twitter handle] I post sneak peaks to stories, and just have more chances to chat with you guys:) ALSO- with my twitter comes a name reveal..... you ready? Hello everyone, my name is Avery:) 

Natalia was sitting on the couch, dumbfounded still with everything that had happened during the past 20 minutes. Dream and Sapnap were making sure she was ok, asking if she needed anything, but she just said no and needed to cool down.

Henry and Judy didn't leave. They locked themselves in their room with Oscar, and were on the phone with someone. Dylan had arrived home a few moments ago, and was currently on the phone with the police, trying to figure out a way to let Natalia stay with them.

A cop was on the way to their house to escort the three out, possibly leave Oscar with his sister if there is any threat presented when they get sent out.

Max and Jilly were also in their room. Aubrey thought Max was too young to be dealing with this and asked if Jilly could make sure she stayed put.

A knocking on the door startled everyone. Dylan made his way through the kitchen and to the front door. He was met with a man and a woman in uniform.

"Hello there, is this the Armstrong residence?" the woman asked.

"It is. Thank you for coming. I'm Dylan, my wife Aubrey," Dylan introduced himself.

"Pleasure to meet you two. I'm officer David, my partner Lindsey. Mind giving us a gist on what's going on here? We got a trespassing call and possible child neglect," the man said this time.

"So basically, my sister, they live in Greece, her and her husband and two kids are visiting us and their daughter, Natalia she's over on the couch, she was caught kissing a girl a while back, and in their household that is very wrong for them and her parents have been ignoring her and only talking to her to yell at her and all that," Dylan explained.

"Our son, Nick who is with Natalia, was talking to his aunt about how liking the same gender isn't wrong and it's perfectly fine and she blew up on him," Aubrey explained. "So today he came over with his boyfriend and they just started slandering our son and his boyfriend and their daughter. We told them that if they kept it up we were going to make them leave."

"Fast forward, my wife calls me, they lock themselves with their son, in their room and have been refusing to leave," Dylan wrapped up the story. The two officers looked at each other, taking a deep breath, and trying to decide what to do next.

"I think the best thing to do is try to escort them out. If they keep not complying we will have to break the door down and cuff them, take 'em to the station and all that. Since you are family you will be able to take care of the kids while they're in jail. In the end they'll be sent back to Greece, we may be able to make something work where Natalia will be in a safer home-" the officer was cut off by Nick.

"Is it possible for her to stay here in Texas? I'll take her in, she can live with me," Sapnap said, inviting himself into the conversation.

"Sorry if this sounds rude, but who are you in this situation?" officer Lindsey asked.

"I'm Nick, their son. The blonde is my boyfriend, Clay, and Natalia is the girl sitting by him," Sapnap explained. "I will gladly take Nat in. I know how unhealthy it'd be for her to be back home. I have a very supportive job, I live by myself in a very nice apartment that any 20 year old should not be living in," he chuckled. "If needed, she can always stay with my mom and dad."

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