Chapter 4: Legend of Sanguine Lupin

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Once team JNOR stopped laughing Rex explained the next chapter.

"This part of the story serves no real plot significance, but it explains the story of Sanguine Lupin."

Sanguine Lupin, a name that few in the general public know but try to find a hunter who doesn't know the name. She was the first hunter, some say the greatest. She guarded a village against the Grimm by her own might alone, none helped her. No one else in the village was able to fight, not to the level needed. There are many versions of the story, some claim she was a man, others claim she was a Faunus, some say she had silver eyes while even more say she was barely a teen. One thing agreed upon by every last version of the tale however is her cloak, crimson as the blood that would drip from her wounds. It's said she hunted with a pair of wolves, hence the name Sanguine Lupin, Blood of the wolf, her true name long lost to history.

"Wow," said Ruby

Sanguine Lupin was a young girl when she learned to hunt. She started with simple game, deer, duck, rabbit, you name it she likely hunted it. She had a bit of a reputation for being a crack shot in her home, one shot to down whatever she was hunting and that made her goods the most valuable. Eventually, she would learn of the truth, of what lurked in the woods. On one hunt she would be attacked by a Beowulf. That encounter told her that the people of her village weren't safe, that she needed to protect them. She picked up a sword and set about learning the art.

Over the years she would learn how to fight with a sword and several other weapons. One day she went out to hunt and came back with nothing to show for it. That was the first time she specifically went out to hunt Grimm. No one in town ever saw the creatures, she made certain of that. She would fight everyday and hunt each night, always guarding her home and keeping everyone fed. None know if she had an aura or not, many believed she must have while some say her story predates the discovery. One day she was joined by a pair of wolves, animals she had nursed back to health after finding them being attacked by Grimm. She would continue to fight for years to come until one night she got sick.

"The town never heard of the Grimm, that's incredible" said Weiss

The village people learned that night what horrors existed out in the world. They learned of the monsters that they had never encountered. They came to understand just what awaited them in the woods and learned why they had never seen them before. Sanguine despite her sickness had rushed out to fight, her wolves by her side. She fought long and hard, eventually slaying all the invading Grimm, the village could hardly believe it. In the end the fight proved to be too much for her and she succumbed to her wounds. A man, a close friend of hers is said to have taken on her mantle, it is said that he wore her cloak into battle to honor her memory. His name became known, Garnet Rose, although none truly know if he's real.

"That's my ancestor" gasped Ruby

"That's what Qrow meant when he said you summoned your own ancestor" said Ren

Some say that her memory lives on, that even too this day someone wears her cloak and bears her mantle. Some believe her spirit is still out there, fighting for them. Some even say that they can hear the sound of her final battle late at night.

"So, sound like Ruby's vow?" asked Rex

"Definitly" said Oscar

"That was awsome" said Nora

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