Chapter 29: Advent

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"Once more Mr. Schnee I control myself." Penny said, Jacques starting to get on her nerves with the short talk about how dangerous she was. "I am no more a danger to the people in this room than any other huntress is."

"I can confirm sir, while Penny is abnormally strong there are those stronger than her." Ruby said. Crimson fire crawled over her body briefly and her eyes shined with curse light as she let her power slip ever so slightly. "Several of us are in the building now actually."

"Your sounding pretty cocky Ruby" Qrow said smirking

Ruby just let out a nervous chuckle

"That is quite the show of power." Jacques stared at the energy pooling in Ruby's hands for a moment. "I'd say almost threatening actually, why showcase such power?"

"I apologize for her, Ruby's power is difficult to handle. There's a sort of leak of the energy that she needs to regulate." Blake said, stepping up next to her. It was true, curse energy wasn't something just anyone could contain. "It doesn't help that she likes showing off her strength."

"Family trait, mom does the same." Ruby said as she stepped back and cut the flow of curse energy off.

"I don't remember Summer ever doing that" said Qrow

"You didn't tell him?" Yang asked Rex

"Yeah, I just gave them the barebones. You four have personas, what personas are, that your in atlas helping Ironwood, that was pretty much it." explained Rex

"Oh, well in that case" Yang turned to Qrow "In this world Raven came back after Ruby awkened her persona and is actually a decent mom, helping us prepare and train and is currently getting her bandit clan turned into an army" 

Qrow just looked bewildered.

"Yeah that was our reaction" said Yang

"Let's move on to why you called this meeting Jacques." Ironwood said. He shared a brief glance with Winter.

"Right, your actions of late are suspicious." Jacques idly gestured at Blake and Ruby. "First your little embargo, then the shuttling of goods and yet still working with the White Fang. Could you explain all of that?"

"I feel as if Atlas is unsafe, we are endangered by outside forces-"

"What forces James?" Jacques leaned forward. "It's quite clear to me that the other kingdoms have no intention of coming after us for what occurred in Vale so what forces are possibly a threat?"

"How about whoever targeted Beacon?" Robyn said. She was leaning against one wall and glaring over the table. "The ones that actually caused this whole mess to begin with. They used Atlas to get at Vale, they could do it again."

"Well we know who did that. Their new leadership is in this room after all." Jacques said, he looked to the other councilman out of the corner of his eye. "If they tell the truth about their benevolence then the threat has passed."

"Unfortunately not, the high leadership of the time had no idea of the attack until after it concluded." Blake said. "And the leader of the Vale branch admitted to being recruited prior to his death."

"How convenient." Jacques sneered. "The way I see it Ironwood, you're hiding something and now the White Fang is in on whatever it is, I simply think we should know the truth of what's going on."

"And I will once more state that there are still enemies out there. If they know what we are doing it could undermine everything." Ironwood said.

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