Chapter 30: Evacuation

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Ruby stared at the forming portal, Raven stepping out moments later. The woman took a quick glance around the room, her hand never leaving her blade. She paused as she caught sight of the events out the window. Turning back to Ruby Raven finally released her sword.

"Where do you need us kid?"

"She really is there, and helping" says Qrow

"Your other self had the same reaction" says Weiss

"The city, evacuations are too slow even with the Fang." Ruby said, she pointed to one part of the city. "Uncle Qrow's down there already. And mom, make it home."

"Oh kid." Raven let bless energy crawl over her hands as she drew her blade and slashed through the air. "Like anything is stopping me again."

"Wait, she has a persona?" asks Winter

"Yes, yes she does, even if she hasn't awakened it yet" says Jaune

"The rest of us?" Elm said. Ruby turned to face the Ace Ops. She took a breath and glanced at Harriet first.

"Harriet I need you going around the school, gather everyone you can and get them to the city." Ruby glanced back at the window. "I want long ranger troops on all the roofs. Elm gets the ground forces stationed. We need a base down there."

"On it." Elm and Harriet rushed out the main door. Both turning down separate halls, Harriet leaving a trail of yellow lightning.

"Vine, I need you on the front line, trip them up." Ruby said. She glanced at the ground before turning back to Marrow. "Marrow as much as you'd be helpful against Cinder."

"The citizens come first, stop the megaliths?" Ruby nodded and he ran from the room. Ruby brought a hand to her ear.

"Good plan" says Jaune

"Thanks" says Ruby

"Ilia the winter maiden."

"Already here." Ilia's voice came over their comms. "Not sure what a navigator can do to the fall maiden."

"Your abilities. will be invaluable in that fight." Ruby said. She looked to her team. "Get her outside and we'll take her off your hands."

"Alright, whatever you say."

"Specialist Schnee?" Ruby said, keeping her hand on her earpiece. "Can you read me?"

"I can."

"Alright, there's been a change, one of my agents will be waiting for you." Ruby said. She stepped out into the hall and ran to one side, her team trailing behind her. "It doesn't matter who gets the maiden powers so long as it isn't Cinder, we don't get to choose anymore."

"There's no time for that luxury now." Winter said. Ruby nodded and kept moving. The four of them continued their mad dash for the gates of the school. Stopping once they were clear of the grounds.

"Very true, just as long as it stays out of the enemies hands" says Winter

"What's the plan Sugarcookie." Blake said. They all looked to Ruby.

"We need to get to where the winter maiden is." Ruby said, shaking slightly as she spoke. "They can't handle her, not like we can. Cinder will try to get rid of them and then we take her on."

They made their way around the school and to the edge of the city. Looking between each other they leaned forward and fell off the side of the city. Each of them throwing themselves through the air, Blake using her clones while Yang rode her persona. Weiss Ran over glyphs and Ruby simply flew.

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