Chapter 21: Conflict Begets Change

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"Are you certain?" Sienna slowly rose from her throne. "You"re aware that the challenge is to the death correct? Single weapon."

"Blake no. In your condition you can't." Weiss said, reaching out to grab Blake's arm again only for the cat faunus to pull further away.

"No Weiss. If I don't do this they will never leave you alone. I can't let that happen." Blake turned back to Sienna. "I am."

"Then go ahead and say your final goodbyes. Then you'll have to select your one weapon." Sienna shrugged her coat off and flexed her fingers.

"Does my semblance count?"

"No, it's part of you." Sienna said, it was clear to team RWBY and Ilia that Sienna was unaware of the mistake she'd made.

"That means Blake can use her persona, since it's a part of her, she's so screwed" said Jaune

"So anything part of me is acceptable?" Blake said. Sienna smirked and nodded. Blake turned to her three girlfriends and Ilia. She took the bow she'd once intended to cover her ears with and passed it to Weiss, then the scabbard for Gambol Shroud to Ruby, and lastly she gave Yang her coat.

"So, incredibly meaningful gifts huh? Really planning on not coming back?" Yang said, Blake rolled her eyes at the smirk on the blonde's face.

"Gifts? Yang please, that's designer, I'm not just putting it on the ground." Blake turned to her other Ilia. "Sorry Ilia, all the things that need holding are already passed out."

"I wasn't going to hold your things, you have girlfriends." Ilia's smile faltered for a moment. "It's nice having you back again Blake, don't die."

"If you die I'm scrapping this." Ruby spun the cleaver in hand once, with a grace and skill Blake had taken years to get. "Weiss won't say it so I will, kill her Blake, put a stop to this stupid cycle."

"Other Ruby is right, that war needed to be stopped" said Ilia

"I will." Blake turned to the last member of their group.

"Single mind blew through all your energy Blake, this is stupid." Weiss said, clearly frustrated. Weiss signed and reached into her bag. "At least take this, it's our only soma but you need it."

"What is a soma?" asked Weiss

"A special potion that restores magic energy, basically, once you run out of strength to cast persona skills, just use a soma and you'll be right as rain" said Rex

"Well that's useful" said Ren

"Thank you Weiss." Blake said and crushed the capsule. She stepped back and walked to the center of the room, across from Sienna. "I'm ready."

"I said one weapon." Sienna said, her eyes flicking down to the gem at Blake's waist. Blake grabbed it and threw it across the room. It exploded and reformed at her waist.

"Chimera Soul is part of me." Blake wrapped both hands around the hilt of her sword and took a deep breath. Sienna would get to make the first move as Blake was the challenger. Sienna crouched low and the two stood there facing each other, neither daring to move. Sienna rushed forward, her claws outstretched. Blake took a brief moment to think about her opponent and dodged to the left.

Sienna sailed past, her whip just barely grazed Blake's arm. The cat faunus hadn't projected her aura and winced at the blow. Glancing down revealed a far more series wound than should have been there. Blake looked back and just barely dodged away from another blow, quickly letting her aura flow over her back as the next attack came in. A more direct while across her arm that dealt less damage than the previous hit.

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