Chapter 5: Beacon Academy

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"They started it!" Ruby pulled her hands back as the woman's riding crop smacked into the table. Yang glared at the other blonde from her own spot. Blake looked read to jump from her seat if not for the cuffs tying her down.

"Be that as it-"

"If you want this to continue at all you're going to get those off of her." Yang nodded to Blake's wrist. "Otherwise get out, we'll be out in an hour."

"Aww, defending Blake" said Nora

"Glynda, a word." The woman turned to the door to find a grey haired man. Sighing, she stepped into the hallway. Her boss, a man named Ozpin held a mug of coffee and a scroll. "Glynda, watch this."

Glynda watched the security feed as a man walked up behind the red cloaked girl, the blonde at her side elbowed her. The girl turned, her hood falling as she did and she pulled her headphones off.


"I said put your hands in the air."

"Are you robbing me?"

"Yes." Glynda took notice of the girls stance changing

"Bad move buddy." The blonde spoke without looking up from her scroll.

"Yang seems so chill" said Jaune

"Especially with a sniper rifle in your face." The panther spoke from her own space on the floor beside the girl, idly flipping a page in her book.

Everyone laughed. Once everyone calmed down Rex continued the story

"Wha-" The man turned back to Ruby to find the barrel of Crescent Rose in his face. She moved quickly enough that Glynda was certain the camera had missed it. "Oh."

There was a bang as the man was sent flying out of the room and through the front window. The panther closed her book and stood, the blonde doing the same. The three stretched briefly.

"What's the plan?" That was odd to GLynda, it sounded like they were looking to a leader but she couldn't tell which of them it was, likely the panther.

"Find the leader, set up a loose perimeter and keep at least one other person in you L.O.S." To Glynda's surprise it was the little red head who spoke. "Watch eachothers back."

"Glynda, you know what happened last time we tried to assign a different leader to a group who already deferred their loyalty." Glynda knew very well what happened, a logistical nightmare. "What would occur if that group's leader wasn't even in Beacon?"

"Nothing?" Glynda knew it was a fool's dream but she still had doubts about letting a fifth-teen year old into Beacon. "We can't know what would happen Ozpin."

"Your right we can't, but are their lives worth the risk of it going badly?" Glynda knew that as a teacher and huntress she would face difficult decisions like this. "She's ready Glynda, we have to trust that."

"I know sir, are you planning to rig initiation in their favour?"

"On the contrary, I plan to make things difficult for them." Ozpin smirked. "I'll have to look records over to ensure they get a fourth who can work with them but otherwise they will have the toughest challenge."

The two went back into the room and Glynda set about removing the handcuffs. For a long moment they all just sat in silence. Blake idly rubbing her wrist, not at all a fan of her treatment. Yang simply glared at them and Ruby looked like a bundle of nerves.

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