Chapter 19: Words of a Chameleon

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"So fair warning to you Ilia, this opening scene might bring up some past regrets" said Rex

"Oh great" responded Ilia with a resigned sigh

Ilia stalked into the small room to meet the Albain brothers. The sneer on her face made her thoughts clear to any watching. The chameleon felt like her blood was boiling in rage as she stalked her way through the building. Three humans, maybe she was fine when she thought she'd never stood a chance but to find out she did and get passed up for three humans.

"Gods damn Schnee bitch." Ilia grumbled under her breath. "Why would Blake go for her! She's just some racist elite. How could Blake ever degrade herself like that?"

Ilia just let out a long, tired sigh

"Ilia, did you find what we needed?" Ilia scowled at Fennec as he spoke.

"No. All I got was that she is dating her team." Ilia said choosing to omit the bit about persona. She had no idea what Blake was talking about and didn't want to pass incomplete information on.

"A shame. Move on to the others then, one of the four will crack and reveal something." Ilia doubted it but she had little say in matters.

"Even the Schnee?" Ilia said, her voice filled with heavy contempt. Fennec and Corsac looked to each other for a moment.

"While Weiss Schnee is no friend of the faunus she is innocent of her father's crimes and should not be considered our enemy." Corsac said, frowning as he spoke. "However both Sienna and Adam disagree."

Weiss looked mildly surprised at this.

"They weren't like that in our world" said Ilia

"I'll talk to her. Which ones supposed to be next?" Ilia said, glanced down at the image and looked back up confused. They really wanted her to go straight for the leader. "Really?"

"Yes, she's the youngest so she should be the easiest to crack." Ilia stared at Fennec for a long moment. She couldn't comprehend that level of stupid, leaders are almost always the hardest to crack. Especially without something over them. Ilia watched them leave the room and glanced down at her scroll. 

The whole theatre laughed

"They really think just because I'm two years younger that I'm going to crack easily" said Ruby through laughter

"Apparently" said Weiss trying to get her composure back

"They weren't the smartest" said Blake

"Even my other self agrees that's a stupid idea" said Ilia

"Yeah sure, the easy one." Ilia sighed and pocketed her scroll. Turning she made her way back out of the room, she'd need to spend at least a day following the girl. These conversations had to be done alone, for some reason. "I'll get right on that. Totally won't fail, no way, not going to happen."

"I should've just gotten a job."

"Well, now I have one, and I can say it's much better" said Ilia


Ruby walked down the main road of Kuyo Kuana. After the events of the previous day she had decided to get a clear head of the city's layout. All the while keeping her eye out for her team's new shadow. This Ilia girl Blake had told them about had been following her around since she left the house. Now she needed to find somewhere isolated to talk to her new stalker.

"Let me guess, you already knew I was here." Ruby laughed at the girl as she stepped out of the shadows. The two were alone in the alley.

"Sometimes persona traits carry over, mines a wolf so my hearing and sense of smell is pretty good." Ruby said, with a grin she ran her thumb along the edge of her gem. "If it makes you feel better Blake can't hide from me either."

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