Chapter 25: Truth to the Legends

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Cecilia Scarlet

Cecilia Scarlet's father had once been a soldier. He spent much of her childhood training her, ensuring she could fight with whatever weapon she could reach in a moment. He ensured she was able to make any shot at range. Then he died and she was on her own. Outside trading her fresh game and her few friends she talked to no one after that. Her closest friend, a man named Garnet, had once said she was closer to her two wolves than any in the village, Cecilia agreed.

One day she would encounter the grimm and her life was tipped upside down. No longer was it about finding enough to live and trade. Suddenly the lives of those in her village rested on her shoulders, she wasn't sure how she knew it but she did. She trained harder, pushed herself further beyond. She made use of every tool she had been taught to use and her wolves got just as many. For years she would fight in the shadows, late at night sleeping through the day and selling at dawn or dusk.

Her people grew to fear her at some point. Her odd patterns, never being seen in the day, painted a deep dark image. History tells us that she was beloved but truth tells us she was feared. Up until that fateful day, the grimm made it to the village and Cecilia had to step out. On that day she would eventually perish in battle and her friend would take up her cloak. He would step up and defend his home in her name. She was the first huntress but she would not be the last.

"The legend of Sanguine Lupin" said Weiss

"Wait, does that mean that these new personas are the real people behind the legends of our original personas?" asked Blake


Princess Atlea

Princess Atlea was young, she did not understand her family. They beat down on the poor, held them back and forced them further into poverty. They treated the faunus like slaves, like animals despite their clear superiority to humans. All the while they built the rich up and made them richer, made them prosper. She did not understand, how could she? She was but a child and to a child such concepts were unknowable.

As she aged she began to learn. She came to understand her family's cruelty, she knew the truth now. She had come to see exactly why and how they could do such a thing. Greed, it fueled her family and the upper tier of Atlas, it made them desire more, made them take more. Those beneath them would suffer. And so, she set out to fix it. Slowly but surely she gained a loyal following and began plans to rise against her family.

In the beginning it was simply her and other rich teens, others who saw their parents for who they were. Then they met the faunus more directly, met the poor and pushed and started to build their forces. They spent ages planning and Atlea came up with her own guise to lead them. They argued that it put her in danger far too much but she was their princess. It was her duty.

Danica Morningstar

Danica Morningstar did not know her parents. She was a faunus born amongst humans, an entire village of them. They hated her and treated her like scum of the earth. They blamed the grimm on her but yet she found herself thankful. Even the angry ones, the ones that hated her, they still offered her food and shelter when needed. They still protected her and none truly thought she was at fault for the grimm.

"She did accept help, and the villiage never left her to fend for herself" said Blake

She knew it could be worse, she'd heard the stories. She knew how much worse it could get. Not all in her home hated her, many quite liked her. They invited her in for tea, they paid her for jobs. Some hated that she was a faunus but she was alone and on some level they understood. Their home was isolated, they got no visitors and so they trusted that Danica was right where she belonged.

Of course none knew of her combat ability. No one knew she could fight nor how hard she would fight. One night she was unaccounted for and a set of grimm statues were found in the woods the next day. Later that week the attack happened. Thousands of grimm flooded the streets and that wave was met by a single panther faunus and a bright shining wave of silver light. By morning the grimm were little more than stone. She stepped from the shadows the next morning and was hailed as a hero.

"The legend made it sound like she died, but I guess she survived" said Jaune

Sandralin Violic

Sandrilin Violic had trained from a young age as a warrior monk. Everyday was training, everyday was improvement. She fought for her strength and she fought for her right to strength. Everyday she pushed past her limits, each time she would settle higher and higher. One day her family had to move to a new town. This new town was less than perceptive to her fighting prowess.

The idea of a young woman being a better fighter than all of the guards was unnerving to them, Sandrilin could understand that to a degree. Having anyone that could fight a guard or even multiple to a standstill is unnerving. She spent her days training in the woods, watching the village for trouble. One day a pack of Ursa was gathering up, they weren't moving in but they were gathered. She went to the council to warn them.

She begged and pleaded for them to at least look into it but the stubborn fools had said they wouldn't. Her home was in between the forest and town, her family was the most in danger. She trained and gathered supplies so that when the Ursa did move in she was ready. Setting a piece of the forest on fire she stood her ground and fought the Ursa off herself, eventually succumbing to her injuries in the woods.

"That is an impressive tale, fending of a pack of ursas by herself" said Ren

"Time for the next chapter"

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