Chapter 6: Team Assignments

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Ruby watched the beowulf drop to the ground. They knew there would be others, Blake had entered a second pit inbe=tween awakening and meeting Ruby and Yang. Blake had informed them that after collapsing that pit every grimm in the area came running. The four of them had no idea how long they would need to hold out for, nor did they know how they were going to get out but they would.

"Ms. Rose, can you hear me?" Was that Goodwitch's voice? Ruby glanced down at her scroll and took notice of the woman's face on the screen. Ruby nodded. "Good, help is on the way."

Ruby moved to watch the treeline again. Another beowulf came crashing through, quickly followed by an ursa, then another, and another and another. Eventually it was a seemingly unending wave of Grimm, the beast breaking the treeline by the hundreds. Ruby reached down and grasped the gem of Sanguine Lupin, while she could hit vast numbers of enemies she had to see them.

"Ma- " Ruby's gaze swept the advancing grimm. " EIHA!"

Without pausing as her persona faded back into her she swung her scythe around behind her and fired. The multi hundred thousand kilometer per hour projectile's recoil blasted her forward allowing her to execute a spin in the air and drive the blade of Crescent Rose down and through a pair of beowulfs. Behind her she could hear her team.

"Bufu!" Weiss's blade met the chin of an ursa, then met its brain as a beowulf froze from the ground up. A glyph formed in front of Ruby and a beowulf bounced off of it. Weiss surged past and slashed across its stomach before impacting a glyph and bouncing back to make a similar attack. Blake rushed through and cleaved into the beast head before grabbing Weiss's arm and throwing her into the air. Weiss was nearly startled as a falcon launched past her head and into the air.

"Where did that falcon come from?" asked Ren

"Keep watching"

Weiss twisted around in the air and landed on a glyph. Tilting her platform she changed it and was launched away. Spinning herself around she stabbed her sword through the eye of a beowulf. Ducking a blow from anursa she watched as Gambol Shroud flew past. There was a bang as the trigger was pulled and the weapon swung around and into Ruby's waiting hand, the two of them yanked the beowulf further until it's face met the hilt of Myrtenaster.

"Kouha!" Brightly glowing white light enveloped another beowulf. When the light faded the grimm was gone. Out of the corner of her eye Weiss saw Yang appear in the air in front of an ursa to deliver a devastating punch to it's side before she seemed to vanish. "ETA on that help!?"

Ruby rolled forward to avoid the lunge of an ursa. Coming up in a three point stance she swung her scythe behind her, just managing to hook it around the neck of the beast, before firing the weapon. There was a crack as Yang's fist met the clawed swing of a nearby beowulf. The blonde swung a series of quick jabs into it before firing her gauntlets and blasting away with the recoil. Ruby turned just in time to see a beowulf coming down on her. Unable to react with a counter attack fast enough she let the glow of her aura spread over her body.

The beowulf's head cracked forward as Oobleck appeared from the treeline, weapon drawn. He pulled back and swung again, slamming home on the back of the wulfs head and slamming it into the ground. Oobleck rushed forward to block another swing from an ursa.

"Now." Blake vanished as an ursa slashed through her shadow. Oobleck drew back his weapon and cracked it against the beast. Ruby reached down and shattered her gem, Sanguine Lupin rose out of a swirling pit of flame and Ruby pointed at a hoard of ursa.

"Maehia!" several of them went down all at once. Yang crashed into the side of one while a spike of ice rose from a glyph and impaled another. Yang turned and slammed her fist into the side of another before launching up and delivering a blow to its chin. Rolling back she avoided another blow. Ruby turned as she heard crashing from the forest. Her eyes widened as she watched what emerged from the treeline. "DEATHSTALKER!"

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