Chapter 15: Dream Gate

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"They will die." Gilded's voice rang within Yang's mind as she watched the ruble shift "Will we stand, do nothing but watch?"

"No." Yang didn't hear herself speak but her persona responded all the same. "I'd rather die fighting for them than watch them die."

"You will try to save them then?" Yang growled lowly, she wouldn't try. There was either success or failure. She felt the gem at her waist vanish like smoke. "Yes. This beast has seen fit to harm what is ours. What we love. It has made the mistake of bringing harm to those we call family. What do we do to those that harm family?"

"Destroy them!" Yang reached out and gripped her new gem. Yellow Crystal channels laid into a gold base. She could see the fire at her feet shift to gold and she clenched her fist. The metal crunched and bent before the whole thing shattered. Yang felt the heat as the fire engulfed her and brought her new persona out. " Sandralin Violic! "

Her persona was radically different before. It's short blonde hair seemed singed as embers flickered off of it. It looked like a fairly normal human girl with a yellow tee-shirt, sparks of nuke energy flickered around her. One hand held an axe resting on her shoulder while the other held a ball of flame. With the ball of fire in hand her arm was resting on her knee as she leaned forward. Beneath her feet hovered a fighter jet. The persona's eyes were pits of golden flame and her grin showed sharp pointed teeth.

"Wow" said Ruby

"So that's my new persona" said Yang

"She rides a jet, that is awesome" shouted Nora

The jet's engine roared to life and it tilted down to scoop Yang up. The two blurred forward, crossing the short distance to the wyvern in moments. Yang had her fist pulled back and just as she made it to the wyvern's side it rocketed forward, her persona mirroring the action. The wyvern's head snapped to one side at impact.

"YANG CAN RIDE IT TOO?!" shouted Ruby

"So cool" said Jaune with stars in his eyes.

"That's not even the coolest part, just watch"

"Yang?" Ruby was staring at the woman standing atop a fighter jet. "What happened?"

"I guess my persona evolved." Yang turned back to the wyvern. Pointing her persona forward she called for it's next attack. "Atomic meteor!"

The grin on Sandralin's face grew wider as she rushed forward, the bomb bays of the jet opening and dropping what looked like an actual nuke on the wyvern. A blast of blue light engulfed the giant Grimm and sent it's head further to the side. The Wyvern reared back and roared down at them. It's wings blasted upward and droplets of liquid splashed down on the ground around the chasm.

"It drops an actual nuke" said Ruby in shock. "AWSOME!!"

"Here come the smaller Grimm" said Weiss

From the pools Grimm began to rise. Beowolfs and sabyrs stalked across the area now. Ruby's scythe spun in a wide arc before it's blade burrowed into the ground. With a series of trigger pulls she blew the heads off a half dozen enemies. The four shared a look before looking up at the wyvern.

"It's scales are too tough, we'll never make any progress at this rate." Ruby spun her scythe around. She had to come up with something, anything. "Yang... did that upgrade make you stronger?"

"I think so, why?" Yang glanced back at her sister for a moment as a bolt of lightning slammed against one of Weiss's glyphs. The Atlisian girl seemed to realise what Ruby was implying as she looked up at the wyvern.

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