Returning to change fate

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"This was really fun, I'm gonna miss you Rex" said Yang
"Maybe I'll come visit you guys in the future, I could show you another world in the multiverse" said Rex
"That would be great" said Jaune
"Alright, before I send you back, I feel like I'm missing something" said Rex
"Forgetting what?"asked Weiss
"A gift I wanted to give you. You all have the Fancy new outfits, Yang has the falcon magic, the crates of infinite MDust are already on your bullhead, but I still feel like I'm- OH, I know what's missing" said Rex
He raised his hand and snapped his fingers, as he did so, everyone else's eyes flashed gold and they clutched there heads in pain. The all seemed to talk to someone that wasn't there, making deals or accepting them.
Then finally a few thing happened. Special gems appeared in the air in front of RWBY and JNPR. Ilia held out her hand and a card materialized in her palm. A a small burst of blue flames, Qrow's flight goggles pulled down over his eyes and a white Domino mask appeared on Winter's face.
Teams RWBY and JNPR reached out and shattered their gems. Ilia crushed the card in her hand, and Winter and Qrow ripped there masks off their faces with a sickening squelch of blood before blue flames appeared around them all.
As the flames somewhat faded, 11 persona occupied the room with there hosts.
"Woah, that was a rush" said Yang as she looked around at the persona now in the room with them
"This is probably the best gift of them all" said Nora
"I have to agree" said Winter
While team RWBY, Ilia and Oscar had the same persona's as the world they watched(with Oscars now having some support skills like Ilia and team RWBY having their persona's from their first awakening) Jaune, Ren, Nora, Qrow and Winter had new ones
Behind Jaune stood a towering man wearing full body gleaming silver knight armour. The man had no helmet on showing his short brown hair, full beard and blue eyes. He wore an intricate gold crown with red jewels in rusting it. In his right hand he wielded a long silver broadsword with a gold, jewel encrusted handle. In his left and was a large silver diamond shield with the symbol of a dragon on it painted in red. The same symbol appeared on the front of his armour. This was King Arthur, ruler of Camelot and wielder of Excalibur.
Behind Nora was a bulky man wearing silver and black almost high tech looking armour with a flowing red cape on his back. He had shoulder length flowing blond hair tied into a braid behind his head to reveal light blue, almost turquoise eyes. In his hands he had a thick hammer with a brown leather strap at the base and a square grey head. The whole being sparked with electricity. This was Thor, god of thunder. (I know persona usually are the same gender as there summoner but in this fic Harriets persona was a guy but she was a girl so I'm following his logic. Also if you couldn't tell, this version is based an the Thor from the MCU not actual mythology, because MCU Thor matched Nora's personality more the mythology Thor)
Behind Ren was a Chinese man with a long goatee beard and Black hair tied up in a bun behind his head. He wore ornate, Chinese style armour in gold with simmering green gems all over. His shoulder pads looked like dragon heads with emeralds for eyes. In one hand he held a ball of flame and in the other a large piece of Jade. This was Yu Huang, the Jade Emperor.
Behind Qrow stood a tall lanky man. Well man might not be the right word. He was more of a walking skeleton with glowing yellow eyes he wore a purple suit decorated with feathers and bones as well as a purple Voodoo style top hat. In his right hand he held a ornate cane with a amethyst skull on the top and a python wrapped around it. In his left hand he held a semi transparent flask filled with a glowing orange liquid inside, looking almost like liquid fire. This was Baron Samedi, Voodoo god of the after life and eternal party man.
Behind Winter was a woman decked out in Greek style armour made out of gold and grey metal. She had long Brown hair that reached her mid back tied in a ponytail under her helmet. Her grey eyes could been seen under her helmet as well. In one hand she held an ornate gold shield with a half snake woman's face on the front. In her other hand she held a long spear with a decorative piece below that blade looking like an owl. This was Athena, Greek goddess of Wisdom and War.
"There, now that you all have your personas, I think it's time I sent you back, good luck" said Rex
"Thank you Rex, and Goodbye for now" said Ruby
"Goodbye" said Rex as he snapped his fingers and in a flash of light, the theatre was empty

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