Chapter 16: Home

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Marigold had gotten clearance to land on Patch, something few others cold claim. Marigold slowly and carefully landed in a clearing not far from the address she'd been given. Once she landed she wrote a quick note and locked up. Stepping out she looked back at the airship. The four girls had been told their licenses would last until the start of the new term and that Ironwood hoped to see them at Atlas Academy.

"Alright, let's check the new digs." Marigold checked her watch, it'd be a five minute walk but it was still early morning. Stopping at the door she took a deep breath and knocked. The door swung open and a black haired woman was on the other side. Her hair disheveled and wearing a bathrobe she stared down at Marigold.

"What." It sounded less like a question and more like a demand. Marigold nearly stuttered out her answer.

"Marigold Harper ma'am, team RWBY's assigned pilot." The woman's eyes narrowed and her arm moved down the door. Marigold gulped, she was likely reaching for a weapon. "They're in the ship still sleeping. I just wanted to come ahead and meet you."

"They're alright?" Marigold nodded. "Good. Come inside, the idiots will be up in a couple hours and the children will be outback in half that time."

"Children?" Stepping into the building she found three kids sprawled out on the couch. A blonde resting his head on his hand while leaning against the arm of the couch. A black haired teen with a pink streak was laying across the couch while a redhead sat on the floor leaning against the blonde.

"Awwww" Team RWBY cooed.

"They lost their team mate in the fall." Marigold winced. "We couldn't get them to sleep anywhere but right together."

"How are they holding up?" the woman, Raven if Marigold could recall, glanced back and sighed.

"Not well." Raven led her to the kitchen. "We took them in mostly because we knew what it was like. We've lost a teammate so we could help. How are my kids doing?"

"Could be better." Marigold took a seat and accepted the offered coffee with a smile. "They took news of the fall pretty heavily. Blamed themselves, said that they should have been there. It got so bad that they spent fourteen hours straight in the training room back at Atlas while the end mission process finished."

"Damn it." Raven's fist cracked against the table as she stood up. "Of course they blame themselves. Fucking typical. They'll be coming here when they get up right?"

"Bullhead landed just five minuets away." Marigold downed most of her coffee. "I was hoping to let them sleep in."

"Good, all of them need it." Raven downed her entire mug and threw it out of the window. Her eyes widened immediately. "Shit."

"Why did she throw that cup out the window?" asked Ruby

"Keep watching"

"That angry?" Marigold smirked at Raven's glare. "Hey, I don't judge, we all need an outlet of some kind. Mine's explosions."

"To unhealthy coping mechanisms." Raven nodded at her. "I've been trying to curb that."

"I hear that." The two sat in silence for a short time. Just enjoying the moment of quiet peace as everyone around them got their sleep. Marigold smiled out at the woods around the house, a quiet day on the island of Patch sounded nice. Marigold frowned at that thought. "Hey Raven, doesn't Patch have one of the highest replenishing beowulf populations of the world?"

"Yes. It's quite the annoyance really." Marigold nodded and stared out at the woods.

"So why is it so quiet?" Raven was on her feet in seconds her weapon in hand.She stepped over to a window and pushed the curtain to the side. Raven's glare hardened at what she saw, or rather what she didn't see.

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