Chapter 9: Legend of Chimera Soul

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Chimera Soul, a lone child living within a village of Vacuo. Her story is not well known outside Vacuo or select faunus communities, she is thought to be little more than a tall tale told to children. A young faunus girl living within a human settlement. She was beaten down and abused for years by the people of that village. They looked at her and saw nothing more than her ears, they saw a monster not a child.

They were saddened by that

She would live through this hell for years to come. Every day she would suffer pain and suffering, few would blame her had she snapped and killed them all. She had to scrape by, taking what she needed and never being seen. She lived in constant fear of people that should have been her friends and family. Many sneered at her and blamed the grimm on her. Few treated her with anything less than hate and rage but some, some cared for her. A few offered her food and shelter.

"At least there is some nice people" said Ruby

She never took their offers, their kindness more than enough but she would not have them destroy their own reputations. She roamed the streets, late at night, when the grimm were most prevalent. None knew how she survived, but the way her eyes twinkled when asked unnerved them all the same. She spent nearly a decade in that village facing all manor of hate until one night, the grimm came and did not stop.

"She didn't take the help?" asked Blake

"This isn't the true story of her, just the legend. You'll learn the truth later and everything will make sense" said Rex

Everyone cowered in their rooms waiting for it to pass. No one dared move and could only hope the grimm would leave. The wails of the creatures kept many up at night but they would not be afraid. To feel fear was to die, they knew this very well. Many found themselves worried, Chimera was still out there. She was in danger, she would not survive this night. None could go out to find her, they couldn't fight, what would they do? Some called the attack karma, that it was what they deserved.

"So people did care" said Yang

Come morning the attack was over. The sounds of the grimm long gone. People stepped out of their homes to find the most shocking sight imaginable. Their streets were not empty of the grimm but rather full of them. Some mid-lunge others simply walking and even more appearing to be trying to flee. Not one of them moved. They were all still as statues and as gray. One villager found one with a carving done.

"She really is a silver eye warrior" said Ruby

"No one deserves to die like this, no matter how horrible they were."

Her village is little more than a shambling ruin now but the statue erected in her honor stands to this day, some say it's made out of the stone of the very grimm she stopped. Her name and everything on the pedestal had long since eroded away and yet the statue itself stands as if new. The one detail that stands out of the gray stone was her eyes, a bright gleaming silver. She was a chimera among men and yet the only person there who truly had a soul.

"Hence the name, Chimera Soul" said Rex

"Wow, that's one heck of a legend" said Jaune

"And fit's Blake to a tee" said Yang

"Alright, before we continue, I think you four need to talk" said Rex as he points to team RWBY "There's a side room over there, feel free to take as long as you need"

"Okay" said Ruby as she got up and walked over to the door with her teammates

"What are we supposed to talk about" asked Weiss once they were all in the room.

"What you all were thinking about during the date scene last chapter" said Rex in their minds

All four went red.

"Uhh, okay, where do we start" asked Blake

(I'm not good at writing love stories so use your imagination to figure out how this goes)

When the four returned to the theatre they had huge smiles on their faces and were hold each others hands. 

"So, what happened in there?" asked Ren

"We, uh, we figured out some feelings and.......nowallfourofusaredatingeachother" blurted out Ruby.

"Pay up Oscar" said Nora as she held out her hand.

Oscar groaned as he pulled out a few Lien and handed it to Nora

"You don't seem shocked" said Weiss

"We've been waiting for you four to notice your sexual tension since Haven" said Jaune

"We're we really that obvious" said Blake

"The only thing you we're missing was a sign" said Nora

"Well, let's move on shall we" said Rex

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