Chapter 26: Proceeding

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"So, why have we not found the persona users?" Salem glared out at her minions. "And don't think I've forgotten your recent failures, the relic was just gone when you went to the vault."

"Well that's the thing, I have found them." Watts said, he swiped a finger over his scroll to project the image on his scroll. "They're in Atlas but what worries me, these aren't their original persona."

"So they've had a second awakening." Salem said, she leaned forward in her musing. "What do we know of their abilities?"

"Okay, I'm worried about how much Salem knows about our personas" said Weiss

"You shouldn't be" said Rex

"More of nothing, their two elements listed under each of their files but that looks like useless nonsense." Watts said, frowning. "What is nuclear energy? And how would one define cursed or blessed energy?"

"Unimportant. Figure out how to fight them. Cinder's failure in Haven was beyond her control." Salem stood up and looked at her minions. "So I'm sending Watts and Tyrian to Atlas, it's likely Cinder's already making her way there."

"So, we've already prevented the attack on Haven" said Jaune

"Of course ma'am, what should we be doing while there?" Watts said. Leaning back in his chair. Salem's displeasure over the failure at Haven had only been tampered with finding out their plan was inevitably going to fail. WAtts did not want to risk her wrath however.

"See if you can find anything on these persona users." Salem said. "Anything we can use against them we need to know. Watts I also want you to take care of any threat you find, including Ironwood."

"And what of the relic?" Watts said.

"Leave it, trust Cinder to make a move on it. We still lack the Winter maidens location so I doubt we can retrieve the staff." Salem said. She looked over the few minions he had present, Whatever had hit Hazel had nearly killed him. "Once we find the winter maiden it'll be a simple thing for Cinder to retrieve both her power and the relic."

"Yes of course, I imagine it to be difficult however." Watts typed on his scroll. "After all, there is no record of the maidens as even a myth on any database Ozpin had access to."


Raven painted in place. Her hands still shimmered slightly with blessed energy. She shivered slightly, having long since stripped her combat clothes until she was left in a tank top and pants. She reared her hands back., fire sparking to life around her eyes as the maiden's magic erupted within her. Drawing in one last shallow breath she let the energy loose.

"So, mom's practicing her new powers" said Yang

"Looks like she has bless skills like me" said Blake

" EQUINOX! " A dome of blees energy erupted around her and launched outwards, quickly engulfing the entire clearing. Once the light cleared Raven leaned forward, placing her hands on her knees and gasping for breath.

"You know, I really don't think standing out in the cold in a tank top and jeans is healthy." Raven turned to find Tai leaning against one of the few remaining trees in the clearing. She rolled her eyes and turned back to her work, gathering the energy in her hands once more. "Rae stop, you don't have access to your persona and I can't imagine what using one of those skills is doing to you."

"It's draining her stamina, if she keeps doing this without rest she could pass out from exhaustion." explained Rex

"Nothing Tai and that's the problem." Raven said, lowering her hands she turned to face him. "I know how it works, how it's built. I know every last little bit there is to bless energy and I still can't use it outside of that."

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