Chapter 38: Unity

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Ruby stands in a white void holding the Relic of Knowledge, before her, floats's Jinn.
Ruby stay's silent for a few seconds, before asking a simple question.
"Can we kill Salem?"
A pillar of fire erupted upwards. Four colours mixing as it climbed through the air. The pillar slammed into and through the two barriers over the arena with ease, as if they weren't even there. The pillar of fire caused most of the fighting to die down, the humans and faunus staring in silence while the grimm seemingly tried to back away, several whispering slightly.
"What the hell am I looking at?" Tai said, Hazel standing beside him, his arms still locked and ready to throw a punch. Qrow whistled.
"If it's what I think it is then things just went from bad to impossible." Qrow said, a swirl of feathers engulfed him and he flew into the crowd of Grimm. Tai turned back to his own opponent and paused. The sound of even lightning had stopped but hadn't returned.
"Alright then buddy. You hate Ozpin for getting people killed, and you want to kill people." Tai grinned. "Let's see if I can beat some sense into you."
"You're all fools. Even if your right Salem has all but one." Hazel brought his own fist up. "I wish death wasn't needed, truly I do, but in the end you're on the losing side."
My staff, in space on a hunk of rock. They dare? The gift of creation and the forsake it. Perhaps humanity was always going to be a failure. I'll have to rectify this err.
"Oh, no, this isn't good" says Jaune
"Let's just hope we've reached god killer level" says Yang
"Equinox!" A bubble of bright white energy exploded between Raven's hands. Cinder rose a wall of fire to block only for the light to simply engulf it. As the light faded, Cinder blinking the mild blindness away, Raven appeared directly in front of her. Fire bleed from the spring maidens' eyes as all four of her wings spread wide, lightning splitting the sky between them.
A series of rapid strikes from the woman's sword and shards of ice sent Cinder spiraling. Sliding over the ground Cinder growled, four spindly arms of black slamming into the earth beneath her. Lifting herself up she threw her hands forward, a tornado of flame and plasma engulfing the space Raven had been hovering.
A blast of wind blew the fire and plasma away. Raven stood in place with her wings spread wide, she snarled and let her wings fall away, turning into her persona again. Cinder dove forward hoping to avoid whatever attack would be swung.
"Kougaon!" Raven jumped forward as the lance of light slammed into Cinder, her wings reforming. Raven swung three times, twice upwards and once down. Cinder barely blocked the first two and lost a tendril to the third.
"ENOUGH!" A wall of fire erupted out from Cinder in every direction. "I am tired of people like you. Of hunters trying to control the world. I'm going to watch as the world burns under my power."
"Big talk from such a small fire." Raven swu8ng her sword again, nearly severing another tendril. "Couldn't get by off your own power so you killed a maiden, then when that wasn't enough you turned to the grimm. You turned on humanity a long time ago but this is taking things too far."
"Like a bandit leader has any room to talk." Cinder formed twin bolts of lightning, pointedly ignoring the still towering whirl of fire. Raven gripped her sword aadn spun it into a reverse grip. Rushing forward she twisted, sharp nevermore feathers bursting from her wings to slam into the ground around Cinder, chains of bless energy lancing between them. "Lecturing me about turning to the grim while you have a pair of nevermore wings."
"My persona is based upon my sense of self." Raven stabbed and slashed at the woman, nicking her arm and leg. "I've accepted the parts of me that are less than moral as part of myself. I can't change my past and these wings are part of that, but you? You're incapable of change."
"Then let's end this spring." Cinder drew her hands up, a storm of lightning erupting above her while the ground cracked at Raven's feet. "After today everything ends."
"Then end it." Raven said, her hands lit with bright white light. Bless energy swirling in the air as her wings spread wide, covering the few civilians behind her. Cinder formed another ball of fire and plasma, glaring at the other maiden with an intense hatred. Raven simply smirked at her.
"Eagle one to Nevermore." Raven's grin widened. "I've got a clear shot."
The theatre grinned at that
"Salem." A being made of fire formed from the tower of flame. Four colours making it's body hard to make out. It hovered above the four girls briefly before slowly making its way to the ground. The being walked forwards slightly once it touched the ground, leaving glass in it's footfalls. "You've caused enough problems."
"Woah, she's so pretty" says Ruby
"Who are you to lecture me?" Salem said, fire crawling over the ground and climbing to her hands. He threw a wave of flame out. The flames splashed harmlessly against the beings chest. "Someone who cowers behind a wall of their power."
"Cowers? Fine then." The fire wrapping Unity fell away to reveal a girl. An amalgamation of the four who had summoned her, her black hair and cat ears fading to red, her open jacket and shirt and even her skirt. The girl looked as if you'd taken the other four and made them into one person. "Is this preferable?"
"Woah, she looks so cool" says Yang
"I guess we now know what the four of us would look like fused together" said Weiss
Salem grit her teeth and gathered her power, chunks of earth lifting as fire and lightning danced around her. Unity paused as the energy gathered and looked at the holes in the ground. Salem sent the wave of energy and rock at the girl. Fire and lightning coursing through and around her body while chunks of rick cracked against her body, a  dust cloud kicking up. Salem paused, tense, as she waited for the cloud to settle.
"Was that supposed to hurt? Gaurudyn." Unity's hand came out of the dust and blew it to the side easily. Blades of green energy ripped the remaining rocks to shreds and turned a tree next to her into sawdust. Unity tilted her head and smirked, the twin swords at her waist clinking slightly. "Would you like to try again?"
Salem gathered more power, wind blasting from her, pushing the trees back. Fire, lightning, earth, even a crimson energy dancing over her skin. Unity's grin only widened as the energy gathered until Salem released it. Salem reached out with a hand, ready to fire when she caught sight of the four over Unity's shoulder. Adjusting her aim she fired. Unity looked back as the lance hit Ruby in the stomach.
"RUBY!" shouted WBY, JNPR and Qrow
"Did someone forget how persona worked? My -our- abilities do not end with me." Unity turned back to Salem with a shrug. She tapped the swords at her waist and ruined her pure silver eyes to the crowd briefly. "You can't win this Salem, you know it."
"Wait, is it just me, or did that way of speaking sound familiar" said Weiss
"What do you mean?" Asked Blake
"The whole my-our thing, it sound like something we've heard before in this" says Weiss
"Raven vision when she unlocked the Equinox, she met a being who spoke like this, and I bet it was actually her" awnser Jaune
"Oh yeah, now I remember" says Ruby
"Can't win." Salem said, a growl making it's way into her words as she once more gathered her energy. Ice crawled along the ground and gathered in her hands. "I am immortal! I am undying! It's you who can't win, no matter how much you can take I can take more. "
The bolt of ice she fired slammed into Unity's shoulder and shattered. The spire didn't even make the persona flinch as she took another step forward. Another spire of ice crashed into her shoulder followed by a jet of flame and a bolt of lightning. Blades of wind joined the onslaught quickly, boulders flying soon after. Salem threw everything she could forward as Unity continued to be unfazed.
"Are you finished?" Another lance of fire cracked into her skull and Unity started the woman down, barely twenty feet of distance between them. "My turn. Unified Blade ONSLAUGHT! "
Unity's hands shot to her waist, her gauntlets unfurling to cover her wrist and forearms. The blades of the twin swords unfolding to reveal themselves to be hand scythes, one far thicker than the other. She blurred slightly before vanishing, slashing with the weapons dozens of times. Eight types of energy encased the blades as she swung. Salem fell back against a tree as Unity's form resolved, the thicker scythe now held in a reverse grip so the blade came up and slightly over the shoulder.
"So cool, those hand scythes are awesome." said Ruby
"We're just wiping the floor with Salem." said Yang
"I told you."-Salem coughed as the wounds began closing-"I am immortal, you can't kill me." Salem stood up and formed another ball of fire. "I can take more than you, I am undying. That is my curse, to live forever."
"Your a fool." Unity let her weapons refold and hooked them back on her belt. She glared forward and spread her arms, the trees around them bending to lay nearly flat against the ground from the force of the wind Unity summoned. "You truly believe what you are claiming?"
"The gods cursed me to be immortal, of course I believe it." Salem drew back to form yet another ball of energy. "The words of some petty unnatural creature won't change what they did to me."
"Immortality isn't your curse, fear is. You can't comprehend death because of fear and that is why you live. Your fear of death is what makes you live, that is not immortality. Immortality is not avoidance, it is acceptance. Do you know what they say about death? For it is in passing that we achieve immortality, how is it that humanity can learn that but you can't?" -Unity's glare harshend and she gestured behind her- "You want to see true immortality? Look at them -us- and you'll find it. We achieved that goal so look at us and know Salem, know that today you don't fight gods. No you face so much more than mere gods, it is so much worse."
"Wait, what did she mean look at us to see true immortality?" asked Weiss
"Spoilers" answered Rex
"The fateless, limitless, no one can stand against us. No one can stop us."
"I will." Salem all but growled as the ball grew ever larger.
"No, you won't."
"For once, I think she actually won't" says Qrow
White Fang agents lifted their rifles, waiting for movement as they ushered civilians through the layered dome. The tower of fire may have offered a temporary cease in the fight but the grimm would begin again. All of them stared at the crowds of grimm, waiting for the moment.
"Now!" The area lit up with gunfire as the grimm started moving again. Bullets tore through grimm and concrete alike as the beast advanced. Quickly the grimm got within melee range, agents drawing swords and other weapons. One of the larger agents shoulder checked a grimm away from another agent.
"Thanks man."
"Don't let up! If they get through the barrier we're all dead." He called back and revved his chainsaw. "It's us or the civilians and I damn well ain't being responsible for civilian death again!"
"No grimm gets past us." The first agent growled as he drew his sword, stabbing into a sabyr's ribs and dragging the blade down. Every swing felled another grimm but every attack they tried pushed them closer and closer to the barrier. Another pair of Beowulf's were torn to shreds by gunfire as the agent drew his blade from a nevermore's back.
"We won't last long at this rate." He called, shouts of agreement met his words but none stopped, none slowed. They could fight, the civilians couldn't so they had to. The agent pulled back and slashed upwards, tearing into another two sabyrs. Turning he found one nearly at his throat already.
A green beam of light lanced through the sabyr and shards of ice rained down on the other grimm closing in on them. Penny landed in front of the agents, her eyes trailing green fire as she stared out at the grimm. Behind her other Atlas soldiers landed, including the Ace Ops.
"Civilian's are the top priority, no grimm passes this line." Penny's swords unfolded from her back as she spoke. A whirlwind of ice and snow erupted around her.
"Go Penny, she's the winter maiden now" cheered Ruby
"You think you're more powerful than me, that you can stop me." Salem gathered more power in her hands. Unity smirked as the power splashed harmlessly against her chest, another blast crashing into her summoners.
"I thought we established it. I'm immune to the ten damage types." Unity sliced another blast in half with her hand. "Haven't you noticed how fire comes back at you? How wind and ice spike back the way they came? Or what about how every chunk of earth that hit me only made my skin shine brighter, thanks for clearing our acne with that one. You can't hurt us Salem."
"So Unity is immune to magic basically" says Oscar
"Pretty much" says Rex
"You can only stay like this so long." Salem gather more power. "I can outlast you."
"Your right, so let's fix that. Purity of soul." Unity snapped her fingers and a bright white light engulfed the clearing.When the light cleared Salem looked frantically around and saw that nothing had changed. She glanced at her hands and marveled at how human they looked.
"Wait, did she just" questions Jaune
"Keep watching" says Rex
"What did you do?" She stood up and attempted to draw more magic out, getting little more than a spark.
"Purified the presence of corruption from your soul. No magic, no immortality, no grimm infection." Unity smirked down at her. The persona's boots clicking as she walked right up to the ancient woman. "It's temporary unfortunately, we are powerful but the soul is... tricky. Better not to mess with it."
"Holy crap, she can do that" says Nora
"It appears so" says Ren
"You-" Salem stared at her hands and watched as little more than sparks formed. "You took my magic!"
"Yes, don't worry it'll come back. At least it will if you live until the skill's power fades." Unity's smile became grim as she spoke. "Goodbye Salem. Maybe you'll see true peace."
"Not until I kill you."
"You know Salem, you've lived your whole life in fear of the gods, it's time you move on, because those gods?" The ground around Unity shook as she spoke. Her voice quiet as she leaned in closer. "They fear me."
"So cool" says Ruby
"Yeah it is" says Yang
Unity faded into flame, dancing through the air and into the original orb. The glimmering orb broke into four gems, each returning to its original owner. The fours' eyes remained as solid pools of silver as they broke apart. Blake, Weiss and Yang stayed in place while Ruby advanced. Salem stared at her ordinary hands for a moment and scoured backwards in fear as Ruby walked towards her
"St-stay back!" She said, the only sound in the arena was the crunch of leaves and stone under Ruby's feet as she continued forward. "I said stay back!"
Ruby reached the woman and held her weapon up. Her rifle put some distance between the two even as it was nearly against the ancient woman's head. The redhead paused for a moment, recalling words from before. An answer spoken by a blue woman while she held a simple lamp.
"Did you not hear me? I said STAY B-"
The screen abruptly cut back to Ruby in the white void with Jinn, as the spirit of knowledge answers her question
"So, they did it, they killed Salem" says Ozpin
"Yes, they did, and now we move on to the next part, because after all, the gods are coming" says Rex

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