Chapter 37: Begining

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"Master, have you seen this yet?"
"Hm?" Igor glanced at the compendium Lavenza was holding, it's formerly blank page on display in front of him. "Well, this is an interesting development."
"I know most persona have some kind of tagline, something about their mythos but this is strange." Lavenza turned the book back to herself with a frown. "I've never heard anything so odd in one."
"Few myths make sense my dear but you are right this is strange." Igor folded his hands over themselves. "Four walk as one, one path trudged by one soul shared four ways."
"Huh?" said Qrow
"That is an odd line" said Weiss
"I've never heard anything like it, Master, what could it mean?"
"Why don't we wait and see." Igor smirked. "I'm sure it'll be quite the spectacle."
"Arm the cannons."
"Three and four are charged and ready."
"One and two are still charging."
""Make sure to fire Laser Lance, we've got one shot at this."
"Don't fuck up, got it."
A whirling scythe slashed through a sabyr moments before it lunged at a civilian. Qrow stopped the weapon and turned to look at them, the RDT logo displayed on his sleeve. The civilian looked terrified.
"Hmm, looks like I joined up with your company" said Qrow
"Yeah, I get to work with my uncle" cheers Ruby
"Start moving toward the center of Vale, tell everyone you pass." Qrow snapped to the side, slashing through a beowulf. "We're setting a perimeter there."
"Gathering us in one place?" She says, her fear bleeding into every word.
"Trust me, it's the best plan we've got." Qrow whipped his blade back, hooking a griffin. Grinning he yanked it back before slamming his foot into it. Forcing it against the blade even tighter. The griffin split. Qrow spun in place, flapping his wings he lifted into the air to get a better view. The tiny crow going unnoticed by all around it.
Landing quickly Qrow fired three shots into a crowd of grimm. Each shot shattered the skull of a beowulf, ripping their heads to shreds. He dashed forward, flipping over another group of sabyrs, ripping into their backs and hooking his scythe on a passing griffin. Being dragged into the air he watched as several humans advanced alongside the grimm, man many more faunus.
He recognized the leader of the faunus group. Qrow smirked and dropped in front of some of the group. The biggest man was barreling through people like they weren't there until he ran into a blonde man. Taiyang Xiao-Long had been referred to as a mountain in the body of a man for a reason as Hazel came to a dead stop. The ground under them crumbled slightly. Qrow shifted in a whirl of feathers and rushed between the two.
"Woah, go dad" cheered Yang
"Fancy seeing you here." He said as he transformed back, slashing into a sabyr on Tai's flank. "Thought you were done with huntsmen work?"
"The end of the world seemed like a good excuse to get back in." Tai pushed Hazel away and slammed his fist into the ground, sending a wave of cracking earth forward. "Have you seen Rae?"
"Not yet but I know she's-" He was interrupted by a crack of thunder and the light of dozens of lightning bolts striking the same place. "Found her."
The audience chuckled
"Maidens, always going overboard." Tai said, a jet of fire erupted into the sky. "And there's Fall."
Hazel snarled at Tai and threw an electrified punch. Tai reached up and grabbed his fist, lifting the man up over his shoulder and throwing him into a passing nevermore. Qrow slashed through another wave of sabyrs. The two veteran huntsmen made quick and easy work of the grimm while fighting Hazel.
"Needless loss of life." Hazel growled, slamming both fists into the ground. The earth around them shook as lightning and energy crawled along Hazel's arms. "All because of Ozpin, why can't you see that!?"
"From where we're standing the only one hurting anyone is you." Tai threw a punch, a crow flapping around his arm and slashing into a sabyr moments before turning back into Qrow. "Take a step back and look at what you've done here."
"None of this would happen if Ozpin stopped sending children into war!"
"This would have happened if Ozpin stopped sending children into war" deadpans Blake
"Ozpin doesn't send anyone into war, he just makes sure they're trained." Qrow snarled, he flipped his blade and slashed at the man's legs. "What, someone you know died on a mission and you decided Ozpin was at fault? Your part of the side trying to cause the apocalypse!"
"Exactly" says Jaune
"They were expecting this."
"Now Glynda-"
"No Ozpin, they knew." Glynda whirled in mplace to glare at the man, the image of a young child trying to calm her down almost infuriating her more. "They planned this, an audience as bait Ozpin."
"Look at what they are doing Glynda!" Ozpin said, his voice rising even louder. "Their choice may be wrong but look at what they are doing and tell me that they aren't heroes. Look at them Glynda, Salem will not stop until they are dead and they know it."
"Innocent civilians are in that crowd."
"Yes, but don't the four of them deserve the right to stand and die where they want?" Ozpin looked out the window at the arena. "Salem can and will fight forever, they can't."
"To involve innocents though Ozpin. How could that be necessary?"
"Salem would want a spectacle, the world knows of her so if she fights and kills the most powerful of her opposers in front of a crowd many will fear her." Ozpin said. "She will make sure this is the end of this war."
"So this is the end then?" Glynda's look softened, she turned back to the window less angry and more worried. "There's nothing we can do?"
"Perhaps, it's too early to tell." Ozpin mused, he stepped up next to her. "It's unfortunate that Oscar and others like him may never get to live their lives."
"You always knew the fight was temporary."
"In a war of attrition the side that can last the longest will always win, Salem can go forever while my power dwindles." Ozpin said. He paused and sighed. "I had a couple more centuries at most Glynda. If they somehow stop her today."
"So it all ends today." Glynda said, she stared at the blue dome over the arena for a short time. Behind them the door burst open. Ironwood rushing into the room nearly out of breath.
"It appears so" said Ren
"We're needed on the ground." He said, drawing and loading one of his guns. "Have you seen what they're doing? They set up a base in the town square and are loading the civilians behind a set of hard light barriers."
"They intend to win." Ozpin said, turning to marvel at the arena. "They intend to beat her today, they weren't planning to die on their terms, they are intending to wipe her armies out here and now."
"Impossible is just another tuesday for persona users after all" said Jaune
"What do we do Oz-" She was interrupted by a flare of green light. "Oscar?"
"He said to gather everyone." Oscar said, he reached to his back and brandished his cane. "All the students, teachers and any hunters nearby. Get everyone down there."
"Help the White Fang and RDT soldiers. I can have most of the Atlas military here in less than a day."
"Bring them, the fighting is slowly pushing to town square judging by the movements of the light show in the street." Glynda said, she tapped on her scroll. "I've already sent the message to students and teachers alike, the recall message for hunters went out too."
"Let's move then. If they think they can stop Salem I'm not letting their work be wasted." Ironwood turned and ran from the room, jumping his way down the tower. Oscar and Glynda close behind. Once on the streets they caught sight of dozens of fighters protecting a series of blue domes, the outer layer opening and closing to let civilians in and then slowly letting them through the layers.

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