Chapter 24: Prove

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"Time for a confrontation with a bastard father." said Rex

Jacques Shcnee took the time to make sure his tie was perfect, to ensure his suit was in perfect order. Quickly looking over his documents one more time to make certain he had everything he waited. As the front gates of Atlas Academy opened he nodded to the two guards and made his way through the campus.

"Where is she?" Jacques Schnee said. His voice was gruff and his stare hardened as Ironwood simply stared him down. The general slowly got to his feet and leaned over his desk.

"You know the law Jaques, you hold no power over her." Ironwood said, his eyes narrowing dangerously. "Now leave before I force you out."

"This is a legal matter that you have no right to interfere in James." Jacques brushed his coat off as he stepped back. "I have paperwork to hand to the heads of RDT, so I ask again, where is she?"

"You need to hand deliver the papers?" Ironwood walked around his desk. "Why not have your legal team do it? Oh, right."

"Dam, Ironwood straight roasted him" laughed Yang

"I felt a more... personal touch was warranted in this case." Jacques said. He adjusted his tie and stared Ironwood down. "Now then, take me to my daughter, I assume at least she's in charge of this farce of a company."

"I already told you Jacques, I can't. It's against regulation." Ironwood stepped closer to Jacques. "Now I'll repeat myself one last time, get off of my campus."

"Hey boss." Harriet stepped into the room. "Team RWBY knows Jacques is on campus, they're requesting to meet with him."

The audience raised their eyebrows

"Well then James, it seems I've won." Jacques smirked at the other man. A self satisfied glint in his eyes over his unearned victory, one Ironwood suspected would quickly prove not so great.

"Send them in." Ironwood ran a hand down his face and sighed. "This isn't going to end the way you're planning."

"I think it will be James. After all, Weiss knows better than to disobey, not truly at least." Jacques smirked, fully confident he could coral his daughter and make her see how foolish she was being. Ironwood sat back down in front of his desk, a sort of satisfied smile racing his features.

"Am I the only one planning a murder right now?" Blake whispered to Yang and Ruby

"Nope" was the twos reply

"Father." Jacques turned to face his daughter, her team standing with her. "What do you want?"

"Ah, Weiss." Jacques turned fully to face his wayward daughter. "I'm just here to drop off some paperwork concerning your theft of SDC secrets."

"When did I steal SDC secrets?" Weiss sighed and looked at her team with a roll of her eyes.

"Approximately six to seven weeks ago if I had to hazard a guess." Jacques smiled to himself, certain he'd backed her into a corner. "We were working on development of a new Dust type, one that would have proven more effective."

"And then we advertised having one, right."

"So I came here today, hoping to settle this out of court." Jacques said, missing the short chuckle form Weiss entirely. "I'll be willing to drop the case entirely for a majority stake in this company you've made."

"Well this is unfortunate, you see it appears we're going to court regardless." Weiss leaned forward slightly. "I only own twenty-five percent of RWBY Dust and Technologies so I can't meet this demand and as it's a suit against me not the company you'll never get what you want from it."

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