Chapter 8: Reputation

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Weiss stared at her class schedule for a long moment. They'd only gone to Grimm studies, Dust Basic and combat class on Friday so they had no idea what their schedule was like. She had no idea what these classes were. Basic Survival, weapon maintenance and craftsmanship, she recognized none of these.

"History? Oh come on." Ruby groaned from her side. "At least we have first aid with Peach today."

"Ahem, could someone explain our schedule to me?" Weiss once more looked over the sheet. "I had expected things like math and history and grimm studies were a given but the rest is lost on me."

"Oh hey no problem Weiss. So some are pretty clear, like weapon maintenance while others are a little more obscure." Yang pointed around the schedule. "Executions is kill methods, teaches about some of the harder to kill grimm and how to do it. Stealth and covert ops, huh, that's new, Signal had one but I didn't think Beacon did."

"Oh gods please tell me Qrow doesn't work here now." Blake groaned and snatched the paper away. "Of course he does."

"Uncle Qrow's working at beacon. Awesome!" said Ruby

"That's weird, there's supposed to be a leadership class or something. Jaune's in it." Ruby was reading over Blake's shoulder. "Huh, I'm in advanced weapon maintenance too, weird."

"Well to be fair, they do base a lot of your class placements on your combat school grades." Weiss had noticed that she had been omitted from the only economics class. "So I'd assume you did well at weapon maintenance?"

"Did well? She practically ran the forge at Signal." Yang laughed at the look on her sister's face. "Doesn't explain the leadership thing though. Oh sweet I'm not in Transportation!"

"You already have a pilots licence Yang, a basic one but you have it." Ruby had leaned across the table to get at the food on her sister's plate. "Blake, you skip out on any classes?"

"You do?" asked Weiss

"Nope, only my drivers license" said Yang

"One, I'm not in stealth." There was a pause. "I'm gonna go, Qrow won't like it if I'm not there."

"I love how this version of Blake is practically a part of the family" said Jaune

"Probably the right call." The group continued looking their schedule over while other students moved about. They laughed over bits of the schedule and groaned at others. Eventually Weiss checked the time. "We have Stealth and covert ops in ten minutes, we should get going."

"Ugh, this is gonna suck." Ruby was the one to speak but her team quickly agreed. Grabbing their stuff they began to make their way to the designated classroom. Snatching their weapons from their lookers on the way as per the class instructions. Once in the room the four worked to make themselves scarce. Later their classmates came in and took their seats. Qrow stepped into the room and glared at his students.

"Where did we go?" asked Ruby

"Wait for it"

"Schnee, good effort, at least you tried but I can tell your at the front. Belladonna, top of the door is a stereotype." Qrow glanced around the room one last time. "Xiao-Long, hiding in the rafters is typical, pick something else. Rose, out from under the desk."

"They were using stealth to hide in the room" said Ren

"Well, good thing I was never under the desk." Everyone's gaze snapped up to see Ruby longing in the rafters of the room, laying back flat with one leg swinging idly in the air. She smiled down at her uncle. "You losing your eyesight old man?"

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