Chapter 14: Wyverns call

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So, fair warning before we get started, there is a scene of someone committing suicide in this part. It's in the form of a self sacrifice, but it's suicide none the less, so if that is uncomfortable for you to watch, I'll give a warning

"Now, let's get started" 

Ozpin frowned as Pyhrra Nikos and Penny Pollendina walked onto the battlefield. He had a bad feeling about this match, something told him it'd go wrong, very wrong. He had no real way to know but he had Glynda prepare emergency orders anyway. All students in the field would have their temporary field status changed to permanent and ordered to finish the mission.

"Oh, starting off here huh" said Jaune

"Yeah, sorry" said Rex

"Not your fault, and it happened, nothing we can do to change it" said Weiss


"Are my kids alive Ozpin?" Ozpin turned to find Raven in the room with him. He leaned forward and spun one of his monitors around, on screen was a ritual dagger.

"Yes, their latest check in was delayed as they encountered centinels however they sent this in." Raven scowled at the screen. "They found a body in the caves, no one else ever has and we've sent them just as deep."

"So they're alive. Good, what did you send them to find?" Any other man would have buckled under Raven's glare, Ozpin showed no sign of fear.

"Exactly what they are finding, anything on past persona users." Ozpin spun the monitor back to himself. "The fact that they have already found the remains of one is incredible."

"Alright, but what do they get out of this?" Ozpin thought over Raven's words for a moment. Turning he faced the window. Team RWBY had much to gain from their mission, what he didn't know.

"Whatever it was the past users were guarding." Raven remained silent and by the time he turned around she was gone. Ozpin turned back to the window, a card slowly spun around his fingers. An intricate golden V design on one side set against a pure blue backdrop. "I Only hope they manage to get there, Remnant depends on it."

"Wait, that's the symbol of the velvet room, how does ozpin connect to the velvet room?" asked Jaune



Ruby ducked back to avoid an explosion of fire from Yang. They had encountered more centinels along their path. Rolling to one side she sent her blade arching upwards, the curse lining the blade tearing into the passing centinel without cutting it. Ruby jumped up and over another centinel and landed behind Weiss.

"Yang, end it!" The blonde smirked and reached to her gem as Ruby spoke.

" Tarukaja! " Yang glowed with power as the attack boosting skill washed over her. " Maragidyne! "

Fire erupted out of the ground under the centinels. As the pillars of flame faded away it revealed that none of the centinels had survived. Ruby whirled on her feet to look around the room, finding nothing she spun Crescent Rose into its compact mode and holstered it. Weiss and Blake did the same while Yang made sure to keep her gauntlets deployed. Ruby walked to the other side of the room and collected her dagger, the spare weapon had been knocked out of her hand in the middle of the fight. She sheathed it on her right forearm as usual. Weiss went about gathering her thrown knives up.

"Holy crap" said Yang

"That was incredible" said Jaune

"Killing grimm without cutting them in half is a pain." Ruby groaned as she stepped around a green puddle. Weiss kicked a rock into the puddle and watched it dissolve.

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