Chapter 34: A Years Time

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"The staff, it was removed from the planet? My brother will not be happy about that." Five glowing orbs, one distinctly dragon like, hovered around each other.

"Should we warn-" The red one began.

"No. I will handle him, you all have your own mission to accomplish."

"You know what we are capable of." The yellow one said.

"Wait a second, are those our personas talking with the dark god" asked Weiss


"This is not your fight and I will do everything I can to make sure it remains that way. I failed humanity once, I will not do so again."

"If he's stronger than you?" The deep purple one said.

"Then I can only hope that you four will still be around."

"What do we tell our real selves?" the white one said.

"Nothing. You know your goals, focus on those and be ready. I gave you the dregs of magic I could for a reason, use them and put an end to this old war."

"We will." The red one said, glowing slightly brighter. "And then what of the grimm?"

"They are outside my control, little more than a plague humanity will forever struggle with."

"Aw, that sucks" says Jaune

"Good thing we're getting so good at it then." The yellow one said.

"Yes. Now go, there's so much you need to do." Slowly the other four lights faded away. "And so much I have to prepare. I will not let him repeat the mistakes of our past."


  The four members of team RWBY stood in four corners of a clearing. Each of their uniforms now adorned with glowing lines in their respective elements. Weiss had a set of throwing knives clearly under her coat while Ruby's boots had crystalline red spikes. Blake's boots looked like the soles, heels and toes had been coated in metal with light pink swirls while Yang had spiked knee and elbow pads.

A team of agents stood behind a blast shield to one side watching them. One of them clicked their pen nervously and looked down at their clipboard. Glancing up he shivered at the grin on the fours faces.

"MDust Beta gear test one." One of the others began. All of them nodding. "Remember, we need the clearing for further testing, the chief isn't likely to give us more land after last time."

"MDust" questions Winter

"Short for Magic Dust, the name team RWBY is giving these new kinds of dust" explains Rex

"Please, like he'll deny these four." One of the others said.

"Be that as it may, we have work to do." The first said. "So, ready when you four are."

The four girls looked at each other, none daring to move, simply waiting for someone too. The red and orange line in Yang's jacket lit up and Blake moved first, kicking up off of a shadow clone and flipping through the air to drive her heel into Yang's skull. The blonde's hands ignited with bright azure fire moments before impact as she blocked the blow. One of the monitors looked at an aura meter.

"Nuke based barrier cuts aura damage in half while allowing full semblance use." She said. "Possibly the same for all elements."

Yang pushed back and took two steps back. A knife impacting the ground where she had been standing. Weiss had one hand outstretched before suddenly shifting her footing to raise Myrtenaster to block Ruby's scythe swing. A blast of air shook the blast shield as the impact cracked the ground. Red and black lightning arced around the weapon and out from the connection point. Blake landed back on the ground and rushed forward, stepping next to the knife. The knife exploded into a small glacier, encasing Yang and slicing through another shadow.

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