Chapter 33: Strength

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(Suprise, I'm not dead, and now I'm going to try and work on this fic and my multiverse reaction fic)

"Why would I need to write notes?" asks Weiss

"Because most of this chapter is them developing weapons, dust types and gear to use against Salem" says Rex

There was a crackle through the air. The shifting of energy as power poured into the open. Standing in the middle of a field Ruby flexed her fingers. Her new fingerless gloves a flow with red crystal like veins of jagged red light. The paths crawling up from the cuffs and over half of her forearm in lightningesque patterns.

"You ready Ruby?" Weiss said. The former heiress was standing off to the side of the field, behind a blast shield, with a notepad in hand. Ruby simply grinned in response. "Alright, test one, ground shock."

Ruby smiled and reared back. Crimson energy crackling to life over the patterns in her gloves. Ruby pulled her hand back and swept forward, slamming both hands down on the ground. A wave of crimson lightning released from the impact and briefly crawled over the ground.

"Woah, cool" says Jaune

"Looks like we infused curse dust into those gloves" said Weiss

"And it gives me a power boost" cheers Ruby

"No notable power difference to using the Dust raw, significant strength advantage over simply using my element through my body." Ruby called over to Weiss. She cracked her neck briefly. "Seems like the static boost to curse I have carried into the Dust."

"That's good. Should mean other amp's work on it as well." Weiss said. She glanced down at the clipboard and then back to Ruby. "Test two, blitz. Ruby, I thought I said descriptive names for this?"

"It is descriptive." Ruby crouched low, placing both hands on the ground and she let the curse energy flow through her gloves. Ruby took a breath and rushed forward in a burst of speed, twin trials of jagged lightning shaped curse energy left behind her hands. Ruby skid to a stop and watched the twin bolts fade. "Energy lingers longer than expected."

"Could be dangerous on the field, especially for Blake." Weiss said. She took a note down. "We'll have to come up with some way to prevent that."

"Speaking of Blake. What is she and Yang up to?" Ruby said. She shook her arms out, lingering sparks of curse energy falling off her gloves. Ruby walked over to the blast shield and went around it.

"Testing the new gold-titanium alloy for Crescent Rose, Blake wants to see if it can alloy with curse Dust at all." Weiss said. She looked at Ruby for a moment to gauge her reaction.

"For Crescent Rose?" Ruby said, sounding alarmed. "Why would you try to change her?"

"Yeah, why?" asks Ruby

"There is actually a really good reason for changing the material of all your weapons that will be explained in a minute." says Rex

"Ruby, Crescent Rose as is can't keep up with you." Weiss said. She placed her notepad down and turned to her leader. "The metal it's made of can barely keep up with the strain your speed puts on them and I'm fairly certain your aura is the only reason they've survived at all. You plan to replace the blades anyway."

"Gold-Titanium might not be enough though." Ruby noted. "It's strong but can it handle the forces acting on something going hundreds of times faster than sound?"

"That's why we're seeing about alloying it with curse Dust, it'll increase the weight but the Dust will be further strengthened by you using it." Weiss said. Glancing down at Ruby's arms. "Although that may also impact weight."

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