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[Monday, October 27 2014, Parents House 4:09am]

I woke up to a fairly quiet alarm, and for a second I frowned, because I thought that yesterday was just a dream, but then I spotted the book to my side, laying with the pages open and on show, which I immediately put into my bag, and I thought; oh my god. Because I just could not believe that my best friend and I were going to try to get tickets to meet Harry Styles at a book signing.

I groaned slightly, from lack of sleep, but a sleepy smile broke through anyway. "I'm meeting him," I whispered to myself, letting out a squeal of excitement before jumping out of bed. I couldn't contain my energy as I quickly got dressed for the long day ahead, slipping on black skinny jeans, and a white tshirt, with the words crazy mofo printed on the front. It was Niall's shirt, but I just didn't want to give it back. It was cool in my opinion.

My eyes glanced at the two small earrings on my side desk, and I grimaced, my mind immediately going back to a couple months back when I had gone with a friend to get my ears pierced, thinking it looked cool. Which it did, just not when you get them done and then they get infected. Which is what happened to me. I didn't know why I possibly still had those earrings, but I was in too much of a rush to throw them out. So instead I tip-toed my way across the cold floor, grabbing my old black vans and slipping them on.

I had work soon, and had yet to say goodbye to my stepdad and Mum before going back to Manchester, leaving from my visit. Don't get me wrong, I loved seeings my siblings, and sometimes my parents when they weren't annoying the shit out of me. But the main reason I enjoyed coming home was because Niall and I always went home at the same time, sometimes Liam too. Therefore we would just hang out when we came home. Niall and I were neighbors after all. Just because he's Irish doesn't mean he lives there. Used to, but not since ninth grade.

"Louis, don't you need to go?!" My mum shouted from downstairs, and I involuntarily rolled my eyes in annoyance of her loudness while my sisters were asleep. I had no idea why she was awake at this ungodly hour, most likely to say goodbye to me as I had class at six. And as I passed my sister, Daisy's, room I heard a voice call out to me.

"Loulou, tell Mummy to be quiet," she mumbled, still half asleep. I chuckled quietly, and walked into her room, kissing her forehead before tucking her into the covers how she liked. And when I got downstairs I was somewhat pissed with my mother for waking her up so early when she needed her sleep. Though she didn't listen, and yelled some more.

[Monday, October 27 2014, PacSun, 4:48pm]

"How come you're always bounding in at the most random times?" my co-worker asked, leaning against the counter.

I just sighed, running a hand through my hair, "Not really, but sometimes I have classes, football, studying, family," I answered, "that's why I have your nice dumbass to save me when I'm late or don't show up," I smiled sarcastically, pinning on my name tag and turning my walkie talkie on.

"Do we have to go out there? Can't I just lay here and sleep some more?" Derrick asked, his blonde locks falling in his face when he laid his head down. I chuckled, and shook my head, walking out from the back room and into the store.

"Shut up, you're getting paid, aren't you?" I joked, and settled myself behind the check out counter, "I'd do anything for more money, to be honest," I shrugged.

"You'd lick peanut butter off of my foot?" Derrick asked, his voice cackling into a loud laughter.

"Okay, not literally everything. It was an expression you dolt," I told the younger boy, slapping his arm.

We went on like this for the rest of our shifts, helping customers, arguing like best friends, and letting in an occasional bump or shove. And by the end of the day I was tired of working, and went home, only to grab my football bag and head back out.

[Monday, October 27 2014, ManU Men's Football Locker Room, 5:40pm]

"Late again, Tomlinson," one of my team mates tsked, laughing it off. I scoffed at him, and began changing with the rest of them, struggling to tie my cleats when the rest of the team eventually started to go out.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," I mumbled to myself, and ran a hand roughly through my hair before running out, adding to the group. Coach was going over something, talking about most likely our inability to pass the fucking ball to one another instead of hogging it.

Therefore, we started working on a drill, where we split up into two teams, and the defense would work on defending their goal, which in that case was both goals, while the offense team was passing the ball to one another down the field and trying to shoot. Plus, if the offense team didn't shoot within ten minutes then we would have to run three laps around the field, but if we did shoot then the defense team would have to run three laps.

I jogged down further to the middle of the field, and placed my hands on my hips, leaning on my left leg. My head was tilted to the side, and I was pursing my lips in concentration, with my eyes narrowed due to the sun that was still shining bright.

"Oh my gawd, don't I look such like a princess!" squealed one of the boys. I looked to the side where Jake was standing ten feet away from me, mocking my stance, only exaggerating it. So, I instantly dropped my hands and shuffled my feet uncomfortably, watching the arrogant boy making fun of me while Mason laughed his ass off.

"Yo, mate, knock it off and pay attention," spoke Aaron. I sighed, slightly smiling to him. He just nodded to me, and retreated to his spot, leaving a now pouty Jake and a still chuckling Mason.

I focused my attention back onto the drill, and ran forward when seeing the ball being almost taken by the defense team. I hopped in front of one of the guys and took possession of the ball, dribbling it down the field. My gaze moved to the side, and I saw Mason open, and even though I didn't like him at the moment, or mostly at all, I went to pass it to him when the wind was knocked out of me, sending me down face first on the ground. Though I was unable to stand up, as there was a great amount of weight on me.

"That's a foul, Hudson!" coach shouted after blowing the whistle, and Oliver rolled off of me, his foot "accidentally" hitting the side of my ribs.

I groaned, and stood up with the help of one of my team mates, one who actually liked me. Though I was still a bit dizzy, and placed my hands on his knees. "Hey, you okay, Tomlinson?" coach asked, placing his hand on my back. I nodded, wiping my forehead of sweat as I stood straight.

"Yeah, coach, I'm fine," I sighed, and followed the others back to start positions for the drill, where we did it all again.

[Monday, October 27 2014, Cellos Cafe, 8:57pm]

Niall looked at me skeptically, "Football tough?" he asked, to which I shrugged, taking a sip of my drink.

"Same old," I told him, "some of the guys are still dicks though. Jake called me princess on the field," I rolled my eyes, "the tragedy of being out in Uni," I joked.

"Dicks will be dicks," the blonde praised, smiling a goofy grin, "but who cares about them idiots. You don't need 'em. You've got me, Liam, those couple lads from football who are your friends, and that imaginary singer boyfriend of yours," he chuckled, breaking out into laughter when I smacked his arm.

"Shut up," I mumbled, and soon enough we gathered our things, and made our way outside. We continued to walk from the cafe, and eventually reached our apartment building, where we parted ways, and I finally got some rest.

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