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[Tuesday, May 5 2015, Oslo Norway, 9:15am]

[H A R R Y]

I pace the floor, my hand tucked on the back of my neck with my phone against my ear. I called once yesterday, but she hadn't answered her phone. Most likely because she didn't have my number.

"Hello?" I gasped.

"Hi, Jay! It's me, Harry!" I bit my lip, "I was calling about Louis' graduation. I know that there's limited tickets, but I was wondering if you or maybe Lottie could somehow get a copy of Louis' flat key for me. I wanted to surprise him. He thinks I'll be in Ireland that day instead," I explained.

"Of course! How would I get it to you, though? -Oh! Never mind. I'm going to his place beforehand to drop of a graduation gift and the girls' things. Louis' having them all stay the night," she said. I could hear the fondness in her voice. "I'll make a spare and leave it in an envelope, and put it under the little carpet thing he has in front of the door."

I smiled, "That's perfect! Thank you so much," I sighed. I was surprised that she so easily was willing to give me a key to her sons flat, and leave it under the doormat. Where any robber with common sense would first look.

"No problem, hon. Louis misses you a bit, as much as you two text and call. Even at the table, once. He claimed any call from you was mandatory to answer since you're so busy," she chuckled.

I snorted, "He's such a dork, if the time difference was so off, I'd wake up in the middle of the night just to talk to him," I leaned my head against the wall of the tour bus. It was cold outside, and I wanted to go back in, but the boys yelling at a video game probably wouldn't of impressed her.

"Good. He'd do the same for you. Thank you for treating him so amazingly, Harry, really. I've not met someone who he loves more genuinely than you, and it's not just because he was a fan," I grinned at her words, and closed my eyes.

"Thank you, Jay," I sighed. We exchanged a few more words before she had to go, and promised that she'd get the key for me. I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face, even when I left an hour later for to get to the stadium for soundcheck.

[Sunday, May 9 2015, Manchester, 10:47am]

[H A R R Y]

Granted, Belgium wasn't far from Manchester, a two hour plane ride tops. But with the jet lag that I'd had this week, it felt like forever.

I got to the flat a bit past ten thirty, when Louis was already gone. Thankfully Jay had left the key under the mat, so I was able to get inside without a problem. The only thing I didn't expect was to see was all of the girls in there already, making the key unneeded. Phoebe saw me first, and her face lit up. "Harry!" she exclaimed, and jumped up and ran towards me. I dropped my things to gather her in a hug in time, and lifted her off the ground when hugging her. Shortness definitely ran in the family. Except for Fizzy, which I'd never understand, but then again I was the odd one out in my family too.

"What's up, Froggy?" I couldn't help but grin.

"Nothin. We're all hangin here while Louis graduates. Uni's only give out like two or three tickets per person," she shrugged, walking back into the kitchen to help herself to a snack. Lottie came out from the hallway, and looked surprised.

"What're you doing here? You were supposed to be in Ireland!" she said, giving me a hug followed by Daisy who was with her. One of the many things I loved about the Tomlinson's, they all gave hugs.

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