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oh fuck now pleasurelouis is reading this too imebsdkjsdk a bunch of my fAV authors are reading this why has my life chosen to be lucky this time instead of when I failed a test damn life back at it again with the bullshit.

someone tell me they at least chuckled bc I thought that was funny I try I try.


[Wednesday, February 4 2015, Louis' Apartment, 10:46PM]

[N I A L L]

I laid across the chair in Louis' living room, my legs hanging off the arm rest. Louis was sat, or spread out, on the couch. His one leg was hanging off the back, or his foot really, since he had such short legs. He had a beer clutched in his hands, similar to me, and took a sip before sighing. "Do you know me and Harry are together?" he asked, a faint smile dusted on his lips.

I nodded, "Yeah, Lou, I know. You've been together all week until yesterday," I said, cocking my head at the drunk boy.

He only widened his eyes, "No, I mean, dating. Like he's my boyfriend and I'm his girlfriend," he nodded, which only make me chuckle.

"You're not a girl," I grinned.

He beamed at me, amused by nothing in general, "I know. But Kris said I was since I'm a bottom!" he bit his lip, letting out a giggle, "but I don't have a sex life yet so we're gonna talk about you," he stretched his arm out, pointing his index finger to me.

"I don't have one. The girl I was crushing on ended up being mean and dumped me. We weren't dating but she still dumped me," I closed my eyes.

Louis hummed in acknowledgement, "Like a bowl of soup," he laughed, "you never told me you were dating someone! Or that you dumped her!" he exclaimed not a second later.

I opened my eyes. I dumped her, but he was drunk and so was I. So we didn't correct the fact. "That's cause you were so caught up with you and Harry," I told him.

Louis brought his leg down, sitting up slowly, "I was ignoring you," he deadpanned, "I can't believe I blocked you and Liam and everyone out. I'm such a drunk idiot. I was too involved with being in a relationship with Harry that I forgot if you had one," he groaned, "Ni, I'm not an ass, am I? Tell me I'm not an ass," his eyebrows were furrowed, and he looked sadder than when Harry was doing a follow spree last year and he missed the whole thing. I chuckled at the ability to remember such a small thing.

"You're not an ass, Lou," I told him truthfully, "everyone does that in some way. You're dating a really cool guy and being papped and crowded with people who want your picture just because you're standing next to Harold Styles. You're dating a pop-star, for christ sake. I would've done the same thing. So would Liam. We don't hate you. You were in your honeybun stage," I spoke honestly, or as honest as it would get in my drunken state.

Louis pursed his lips, "I don't like being in the tabloids and all over the Internet. When I was in it for those couple of footie games it was different, but footie is over this week," he shrugged, "and I don't like being called his boy toy by stupid fuckers," he pouts, and I can't help but smile at his attempt to look rough.

"I don't know-"

"And it's honeymoon stage, Ni!" he let out a cackle. It took me a moment to figure out what the hell he was on about, but when I did I let out a loud laugh. It sent both of our drunken minds into a hysterical laughing fit for at least three minutes straight.

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