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hey y'all wassup


[Monday, February 9 2015, Louis' Car, 1:28pm]

[L O U I S]

I threw my footie bag into the trunk of my car and closed it. Calum and I decided to meet up and shoot some, since football was over and we were done with practice.

I was about to go over to the drivers side of my car, but he stopped me. "Yo, dude, you're gonna talk to him, right?" he asked. I gulped, but nodded silently. He cocked his head, giving me a look. "Louis. Talk to him, please."

I sighed, "I know, I know."


"Right now, I know," I cut in. He gave me a smile, and nudged my shoulder playfully before bounding off to get to his car. I sat inside my own for a moment, then drove off. The drive was only a bit long. So I played my words in my head more than a million times, trying to memorize what I would say.

Of course though, when I showed up at Harry's apartment I lost any idea of what I wanted to tell him. Harry had given the guy working at the gate permission to let me in without a key or without having to buzz me up. So I had no trouble getting up. But when he didn't answer the door after various knocks all I could do was pout. I had even tried the bell.

"Louis?" I turned around, furrowing my eyebrows when seeing Zayn walking towards me. It seemed like some stupid predictable movie since he arrived just when I did. "Uh, I was just coming by to talk to him... uh, to talk to you," he scratched the back of his neck, "I mean like, I was going to tell him to talk to you."

"Oh," I nodded, "uh, I don't think he's home, sadly," I pursed my lips.

Zayn also had a look of confusion, "He told me he'd probably be home. I'll give him a ring. Won't tell him you're here though," I sighed at the second part of what he said, and thanked him quietly.

"Where are you?" he asked. I waited a moment, and gulped when his eyes widened. "How fast can you get back to your place?" he glanced at me for a second, "because... I-I... I told you know who how I feel, and he rejected me," he cringed at his words, and I had to keep in my laugh. "Yes, Niall!" he winced, avoiding eye contact with me all of a sudden. Of course I knew that it was because Niall was my best friend, and that he thought I didn't know about his crush.

Zayn hung up the phone a minute later, and turned back to me. "Uh, he's going to be here in about twenty minutes," he told me.

I nodded and stuffed my hands into my pockets, "Thanks," I said. A couple minutes went by with us standing there awkwardly until I spoke up. "I know about Niall," I sighed, "Harry told me," I murmured.

Zayn let out a breath, "I'm sorry. I-I just... that one little party after the footie game, he was there and then I saw him," he had a worried and stressed look on his face as he spoke.

"Zayn, it's fine," I chuckled.

He pursed his lips, "Okay, good. Uhm, he's on his way so I'll just go-"

"Wait, where was he when you called?" I asked. For all I knew he could've been recording or had an interview or something.

Zayn only shrugged, "Just said he was in the car," he told me, then gave a nod before heading off.

I only had to wait ten more minutes before I heard footsteps stomping down on the floor. I turned to see Harry jogging down the hall. When he spotted me though, he slowed down to a stop. "Louis," he murmured, "I- uhm, hi," I could sense his nervousness, "uh, Zayn is inside-"

"Actually, he's not," I rubbed my arm awkwardly, "he did that to get you over here so that we could talk," I told him. His face went from confusion to embarrassment.

Moments went by, and eventually I took a deep breath, "Okay, look, I don't-"

"I love you too," he cut me off, which led me to standing with my mouth half open and my expression blank. "I-I uhm, last week, you said you loved me and I didn't say it back but I do. I really do think I love you, Louis. A-And so please... don't go," he shook his head, "we can work it out, and I can ban the paparazzi from your apartment building so that they won't bother you but just please don't leave me," his voice cracked.

My mouth fished open and closed and I shook my head, "Oh god, no, Harry," I threw my arms around his neck, pulling him down. His arms enveloped around my waist. I had to stand on my tip-toes. "I'm not leaving," I whimpered, "but you don't love me," I winced at my own words.

Harry hugged me a bit tighter before pulling back, "What're you talking about?" he look bewildered, "I do. And it kind of really scares me because it's only been a short time, but I don't think I've been more sure of anything else," he chuckled nervously.

I had to try to swallow my tears, and kept blinking over and over to keep them down. "I've never done this before," I croaked out, "and I don't know what we're doing right or wrong and that scares me," I told him.

Harry only furrowed his eyebrows, and leant down to kiss me. Instantly my hand went up to the side of his face, and I kissed back. It was slow and deep, and Harry's hand on my hip sent tingles through my spine.

When I pulled away I hugged him again. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders, and rocked me back and forth. "This has not been a typical day," I chuckled at his statement.

"I know. And sorry if I smell a little. Calum and I were out for a bit shooting on the nets since footie ended. I was too torn so he forced me to come down here or else he'd probably chop my balls off," I said. I was smiling to myself, and waited until I heard Harry's cute obnoxious laugh to laugh along.

Harry's hand rubbed my hip, "You need to come with me. I'm taking you to the award show I have to be at tonight," my eyes widened at what he had said, and in an instant I pulled away from him with a scared expression on my face.

"No, I'm not. That's big. That's a big thing. I'm not ready for that, I-I don't have a suit either. Don't you need to tell them who you're bringing ahead of time?" it was like a rapid fire game of twenty questions with only me playing. Harry just kept his big teasing smile and grabbed my hand.

"No. They just need to know if I'm bringing my plus one. We need to be there at five so we have about four hours, so we're going suit shopping," he grinned, "plus, you've met my family, you could conquer the world," he joked, to which I laughed at.

I took a few jogging steps to keep up with him, and kept myself against his side with his fingers laced in mine. He glanced at me various times as we walked, and when we got into the elevator I kissed the corner of his lips and sunk into his side.


that took too long I didn't have much push for this chapter idk why.


update: questions are closed. next chapter are the answers.






Me (author):

Anyone else: (state their name then the question)

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