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last time I updated it was 2 days before volleyball tryouts and now I can proudly say I made the team (it's the freshman team but I mean I AM a freshman so I didn't expect anything else lmao)

We do a bunch of team bonding with freshman team, JV, and Varsity all together and it's awesome. We had a pool party and at this carnival we do a scavenger hunt (all the girl teams from our hs do it) and it's so much fun you do things like "get a pic with a couple kissing" or "get a pic of a senior kissing a freshman football players cheek" and it's a blast. volleyball is so involved with everything too so we go all out. everyone's split into like 5 teams and my team was Cinderella we looked bomb asf. That was Friday, then Saturday we had our team bonding family volleyball beach day at brigantine beach NJ (we played beach volleyball and the water there is AWESOME)

that is me from our scavenger hunt lol.^^^


[Sunday, March 15 2015, Louis' Apartment, 9:47am]

[H A R R Y]

I laid in Louis' bed, leaning my head up with my hand. It was quiet between us, as I traced my thumb over the deer tattoo on his bicep. His head was flopped down flat on the pillow, his wispy hair falling over his forehead and left eye. I trailed my fingers up his shoulders. He smiled all ticklish when I skimmed them over his neck. I smiled at him, pushing his hair out of his eyes.

"Lovely," the word barely came out, but he heard it anyway. His hand slid onto my bare waist. I leaned down to kiss him, my hand moving to the back of his head. His grip tightened a bit on my waist, and he subtly pulled me to him.

We kissed a bit, and eventually I swung my leg over his hips, sitting on his lap. He dipped his tongue into my mouth, rubbing with mine. I hummed against his lips, and when his lips trailed off down my throat, I tilted my head back to give him more room, and with the motion I laid onto my back. Louis smiled as he climbed over me. I gave him one back, and pulled him gently by the neck for a kiss. It was a good one too, even better when his lips made a second trip down. He chose a spot right under my jaw, and started sucking and biting on it. It made me fidget with the best feeling.

I let out a breath and my eyes fluttered shut. My fingers were in Louis' hair, hopefully not gripping tight. "I love you," Louis mumbled as he kissed up under my jaw, planting small hickeys.

"I love you," I echoed back to him. I couldn't help but love the feeling of being the more submissive one when it came to kissing and sexual things. Although I topped our first time, and once in my other relationship, it didn't mean I didn't like bottoming. If anything I liked it more.

I let out a small noise when Louis gave a small tug to my hair, or at least what was left of it. It almost embarrassed me until I realized he already knew I liked my hair pulled. He smirked, running his hands down my sides. "Like it when we're like this," I told him.

He kissed me softly, "Snogging?" he asked.

I shrugged, "Dunno. I like being on the bottom with you," I admitted, "you're hot when you're in control. Turns me on," I grinned, my breath hitching when he sucked on my neck. I gripped the blanket. As he was about to say something, I heard the door of his flat open. I knew he heard it too, since he lifted his head up. I had wide eyes. "Lou," I muttered.

He squeezed my hip, then got up from the bed, walking stealthily out of the bedroom with just his boxer briefs on. Obviously he was more worried about someone being in his flat than what he was wearing. I wasn't complaining though. Safety over clothes or really anything was important.

I got up to follow him, hustling out of bed and sliding up behind him. I held my hand on his shoulder, and jumped when a voice rang through the place.

"Louis?! Where are you!" both of us sighed in relief.

"It's Lottie," he rolled his eyes, kissing me briefly before going out to greet his sister. "Hey, Lotts!" he exclaimed, going up and hugging her.

"Put some pants on," she told him, and smiled at me, "hi, Harry."

I strode up and gave her a side hug, "Hi, Lottie," I said, then crossed my arms behind my back. Louis took a shirt from the clean pile on the couch, and threw it on.

"What, no comment on his nudity?" Louis joked, but Lottie only grinned. I was only in my sweats.

"Nah, he's good," she shrugged, "but Mum said you're going to Mexico so I'm here to give you money to get me like a souvenir or something while you're there," she bounced on her toes, smiling as she pulled money out of her pocket and handed it over. Then, as if a sudden change in mood, she frowned as she was looking at me, and then gasped. "Oh! Uhm, okay. I'm gonna meet up with my friend now. Uh, use a condom!" her voice got high as she giggled the last part out as she scurried out of the flat, shutting the door behind her.

Louis shook his head, "What the hell?!"

I snorted, "I don't know-"

"Hickey! The hickey!" Louis laughed, "she saw the hickey on your neck, babe," he had a wide smile. I could feel myself blush.

"That's a bit embarrassing," I pursed my lips.

Louis smirked, taking a few steps forward to me. "It's fine," he slid his hands up my bare chest, attaching his lips to my neck in the smoothest manner. My breath hitched, and my eyes closed. I nonchalantly gripped onto his shirt, and as much as I loved the feeling of having his lips on my skin, I pulled his head away, leaning down to kiss him. He slowly backed me up to the wall, his hands on my neck and waist. His knee was pressed in between my legs, and hitched my leg up around his hip.

His fingers pressed into my hips, and the little bit of scruff on his face scratched at my jaw when he moved down, "You're such," I let out a whine as his hand skimmed over my nipple, "a tease," I bit my lip. Louis moved his one hand up my torso, teasingly touching my chest, my sensitive nipples, as embarrassing as it was. My head fell back against the wall, my back arching and my jaw going slack.

"So submissive," Louis ran his hand through my hair, pulling my lips back to his. We kissed feverishly, his hips pushing into mine.

"Just, um," I was cut off with a kiss, "for you."

Louis pulled me to his room, and I fell pliant on the bed, him climbing and sitting on my hips. He went to kiss me, but then suddenly stopped. He gripped my wrist carefully, staring at it. "You have a padlock tattoo?" he asked. I nodded. "I have a key on my ankle. That's funny," he chuckled, but frowned when I made a face as he touched it. It took a minute for him to finally ask. "Is this new?"

I nodded again, "Yeah, it's uh..."

Louis raised his eyebrows, "It's not like..." for what felt like the fifth time, I nodded, and a small gasp left Louis' lips, "Harr, you got another matching tattoo?" he asked.

I gave a smile, "I couldn't help it. We already have a bunch of coincidence tattoo's anyway," I told him, "and I understand if it makes it seem like we're going even faster, but I just... I love you, Lou. So I just decided, why not?"

Louis should've been annoyed, but he only grinned, his nose scrunched, and moved himself forward to press his lips to mine. I caught him so that we didn't fall backwards, laughing and kissing him back happily. He talked against my lips, "Love you too."


sorry this wasn't my best. I'll be getting into Mexico and the tour and graduation and everything soon don't worry. I'm gonna try dragging this story out as long as I can since I love it, but sadly it had to come to an end at some point. AT LEAST ITS NOT SOON THO YEET.


school starts in 8 days help.

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