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sorry for the long wait. ^^my baby boy Cooper died August 1st and it has crushed me so much that I haven't been writing or really doing anything. I haven't been sleeping. We adopted him after he was rescued by a foster family from a kill shelter. We only had him for 3 years sadly, and you can say it's "just a dog", but there was just something about this damn dog that made him so goddamn special. He was so much more than family, and it makes me cry as I write this AN right now.

He had a tumor that in the past few days before August 1st had moved the tiniest bit that it was pressing on his spinal column and the nerves that controlled his back legs. Which is why that monday we took him to the hospital since he couldn't even get up. He also tore his ACL, and while that could have been fixed, the tumor could not have been removed, and even if it could have he wouldn't of been able to walk again. We thought it was just a problem with his leg. We didn't know about the cancer, since it never bothered him. My parents took him to the vet then hospital before I had even woken up, and when I came home from volleyball that night they told me that he had died. It was something where even within that day he had gotten so much worse. They didn't want to keep him in pain and suffering, and as much as I long for him to be back I don't blame them for their decision.

That's why I haven't been updating anything or even writing, and I'm so sorry for that but this dog meant everything to me.

I already had this \/ written before all the commotion, so here you go.

[Saturday, March 14 2015, Louis' Apartment, 8:46pm]

[L O U I S]

"The tattoo parlor," he smirked.

"Tattoo parlor?" I asked, a bit confused on his thinking. He stood from the bed, opening one of my drawers.

"Yeah, I know a guy!" he turned his face, his eyebrows raised in assurance. He tossed me a pair of jeans. "He was an old friend I used to go to when my music career was just starting," he told me.

"Do you even have any room left?" I joked as I stood from the bed as well. Harry shrugged, lifting his shirt up to show off his tummy.

"Maybe right in the middle there," he pointed to the center of his stomach, but then dropped his tshirt, "I'm just kidding. I want something on my wrist."

I tugged the pants up my legs, struggling a bit to get them over my ass. It was almost embarrassing, but Harry must've thought differently. "That's all mine," he gestured to my butt with a cheeky smile.

"Shut up," I beamed, zipping and buttoning my jeans. I rolled the bottoms of them twice, and grabbed my Vans. The end of the shoe lace was frayed, which made me frown. After all they were old. I contemplated wearing my old Toms. The pair that I had gotten but only wore once or twice. "Would it be weird if I wore Toms?" I asked.

At the same time as Harry shook his head, Bree trotted into the room. He picked the small husky up. She was getting bigger. "No. They make you look smaller than you are. They're cute," he commented.

I stood there for a moment, then nodded, and grabbed my shoes, "Vans it is," I sighed.

It made Harry laugh, "What? You're too tough to wear your cute Toms?" he teased.

I rolled my eyes, "I just haven't worn them in ages," I defended.

Harry nodded to my Vans, "Louis, here are in the worst shape I've seen. And I used to have these old brown boots that were real bad," I chuckled at the mention of the boots.

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