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[Sunday, January 10 2015, Louis Apartment, 1:14pm]

[L O U I S]

I was lying on my bed, glasses on and book hovering above my face. I continued reading Harry's biography, because even if he did feel like a friend to me I still needed to finish the book.

Of course, that didn't happen. As it never got to before someone always interrupted.

A loud three knocks were banged out against the door, and I groaned frustratedly, rolling my eyes. I put the book down and stood from where I was, trudging over to the door. I wasn't expecting anyone at all, so I was a tad annoyed.

I swung the door open, letting out a squeak before slamming it shut. I absolutely could not believe Harry was standing at my door. It had been been a week since we had saw each other. I honestly had thought he was done with me, even with that kiss that we shared.

Suddenly, though, I gasped, because I just slammed the door right on Harry's face. I panicked, frantically opening it back up. "I-I don't know why I did that," I explained.

Harry gave me a shy smile, his hands in his pockets. "It's okay," he said, "I was uh... well I was in the area and, I mean, I wasn't but I-" He cut himself off and huffed. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out and do something today... with me. I was gonna go out with Zayn and my friend Cara. I uh, wanted to see if you wanted to come," he offered. I blinked up at him, only a tad starstruck. Not by the fact that he was famous. I was slowly getting over that. Surprising since I was an absolute super fan in the fandom. It was just the fact that he thought of me when he was going to go out with friends.

Never the less, I obliged anyways, nodding with a smile before excusing myself. I was only in sweats and a tshirt anyway. I already knew there was going to be paps and people taking sneaky pictures of me and him and the other two. I had to look presentable.

So, I quickly changed into a pair of black skinnies, and threw on a jean jacket over the white tshirt that I was already wearing. I came out of my room with one shoe on and the other one being pulled on as I hopped on one foot. Harry smiled at me when seeing the sight, and I just blushed. I did a quick glance at Harry's outfit, which only consisted of navy skinnies, for once not black. Though he did make sure to include the black in his tshirt and the tattoo's covering his skin.

Bree came scurrying out of my room, sitting right in front of me with her head crooked. "Aw, baby you can't come," I cooed, reaching to the counter. I grabbed a treat, and bent down to give it to her before kissing the top of her furry head and rubbing behind her ears.

As I stood back up I shoved my wallet into my pocket, holding my phone as I followed Harry out of my apartment. He had a smile on his face, and looked to me. "I've honestly been wanting to do this for the whole past week," he told me, a faint blush on his cheeks.

I grinned, "Hang out with me?" I asked. I scrunches my nose when he nodded. "I can't imagine," I laughed awkwardly.

He rolled his eyes playfully, "Well I can," he smiled. It quickly faded, and he bit down on his lip. And if anyone would ask, I would deny me watching him suck the lip ring into his mouth in nervousness.

"I just wanna know, like, that you don't just like me because you're a fan," he mumbled, "I mean I don't think you're using me, I quite thought the opposite, but sometimes people are good at getting away with it," he chuckled vaguely, looking at his hands as we got out to the complex lot. His car was parked along the curb. I could see two figures inside of it.

I stopped and shook my head, "No- no no no. I mean of course I'm still a fan of you," he smiled sheepishly, "but that doesn't mean that it's the reason I like you, uh... in the way I like you." I was blushing. "I wouldn't do that to you- or anyone for that matter. Y-You're honestly just... such a good and nice and funny and genuine guy, and I-I would crush on you even if you weren't a singer. It's weird kinda. I-I've never been in this sort of situation," then it was my turn to be embarrassed. Harry didn't take notice of it, and if he did he didn't make fun. He just nodded with a big grin and opened the car door for me when we reached the vehicle.

I almost fucking died.

The first person I saw when getting into the car was Cara Delevingne. I knew he said Cara but I didn't make the connection. Not to mention that she was possible the nicest girl I had ever met in my life.

She didn't look up from her phone immediately, but when the car door slammed she shut it off and smiled at me. "Hi!" she exclaimed, scooting over to give me a side hug.

"Hi," I beamed, "m'Louis."

"Oh, I know already," she waved me off, "this ones been talking about you since he picked me up," I looked at Harry when she said that, but it was obvious that he was ignoring it by the way his cheeks were red and he wore an obvious smile.

"Good things I hope," I joked.

She laughed, "Nah, kept saying how you walk around the house in the nude. Oh wait, maybe that's just him," she teased, flicking Harry's shoulder.

"Hey! Respect the designated driver please," he told her, batting her hand away and focusing on the road.

[Sunday, January 10 2015, Outside shopping centre, 2:43pm]

We were walking towards the small cafe having been walking around for just a bit over an hour. I could see some people taking pictures here and there, and the three had had various people come up to them and ask for pictures. Meanwhile I would just stand there or take a picture of someone when they asked.

I could tell Harry felt bad about that part, because whenever he'd have someone come up he'd give me a look that said "I'm so sorry this is so annoying for you I know but I can't help it and I wish I could cause if I could I would and I'm sorry again".

We walked into the cafe, me pulling my hands from my pockets and blowing on them. The only reason I hate January. The cold.

"What do you want?" Harry asked me, gesturing to the counter.

I shook my head, "No, I'm fine-"

"Louis," he smiled, his cheeks indenting with dimples and driving me insane, "what would you like?"

I sigh, "Just tea, please," I bite my lip to try hiding my grin, seeing as it wouldn't go away. He nodded, his hand dropping from where it hovered on my arm. I followed Zayn to a table, and sat across from him.

"Don't hurt him," I snapped my head towards the dark haired boy, "he's always been fragile. Loves and trusts with his heart and soul on his sleeve. Just cause he's some big star doesn't disqualify from getting his heart crushed. So don't hurt him, or I hurt you," he raised his eyebrows.

I nodded quickly, "I'd never dream of hurting him. Never want it to happen," I pursed my lips. Zayn nodded.

It wasn't a long day out, but when Harry dropped me off he opened the door for me.  After shutting it he turned to me.  "Hi," I beamed at him.

"Hey," I smiled.

He hesitated. "Can I kiss you, now? Been waiting all day," he spoke lowly. My heart almost jumped out of my throat. I hadn't been expecting those words at all in my life.

But they were there, so I nodded. Harry flashed me a smile before cupping my chin and pressing his lips to mine. I nearly smiled into it, but instead slowly kissed him back, waiting a couple seconds later until he couldn't hold back.

Harry was beaming right back. He kissed the corner of my lips before kissing them straight on for a short peck.

I couldn't find any place I would've rather been.



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