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[Sunday, November 2 2014, Near Platt Fields Park, 10:28am]

I lifted my shirt up, wiping the sweat from my forehead before letting it fall back down. It was cold, almost freezing actually, but I still had to go for a run, or wanted to at least. I just had a lot on my mind that I had wanted to think about, and I do that best by either taking a run or kicking a football around. Though I didn't want to have to go into school to get to the field that would have most likely been being used by other footballers as well. So, a run was in favor.

I had earbuds in, and even with the cold nipping at my bare arms I was still hott. I guess thats what happens when I take a long run from my apartment near campus to fucking Platts Field, which is close if you're going to drive but seems like a freaking world away when you're running for what seems like forever.

No Control was currently on replay, for I had listened to it three times in a row already. It was one of my favorites off of Harry's latest album. Plus, it was up beat, which was good to get me going. Except I had to pause it when my phone started ringing, which is why I had stopped in the first place.

"Hello?" I asked, placing my hand on my hip as my heart pounded in my chest.

"Hi, Lou, it's me," I suddenly was interested in the phone call when I realized it was my mum.

"Oh yeah, hey, what's up?" I asked, panting.

"Are you alright?" she chuckled.

"No, yeah, I'm fine, did you uh, talk to my dad?" I asked quiet impatiently.

"Yes I did, that's what I'm calling about," she paused, "we agreed that we would give you the money to adopt the dog and supplies-"

"Yes!" I cheered.

"Wait Louis," she laughed, "you just have to understand that this is a big responsibility and that we're trusting you'll take care of this dog okay? I trust you hun," she told me, and I grinned.

"Absolutely!" I sighed.

"Okay then. I don't know when you're planning on adopting the dog but your father and I will get the money transferred onto your bank account," she said, to which I just nodded, even though she couldn't see me. We continued our conversation for another couple of minutes before she told me she had to go help one of the girls with something, and the call ended.

[Sunday, November 2 2014, Niall's Apartment, 2:18pm]

The door swung open, and a bundled up Niall stood there, dressed in sweats and a sweatshirt, with his hair laying lazily on his forehead. "Guess who's getting a dog!" I exclaimed. A smile made it's way onto his face, and he let me inside.

"Your mum said yes?" he asked happily, to which I nodded proudly.

"Yep, she said she would put the money for the supplies and all that into my bank account. I could technically go adopt her now if I wanted," I chuckled, stuffing my hands in my pockets.

"I want to go with you when you get her. I know they have to like come to your house first and inspect it to see if it's suitable for a dog, but whenever you do end up going to get her I'm definitely coming," he told me. I nodded, and took a seat on his counter. He rolled his eyes at me but I shook it off with a smile.

"When were you thinking of doing all of this?" he asked.

I shrugged, and bit my lip, "Ehm, I don't know to be honest. When we go back to the shelter I'll probably ask about it and take it from there. You don't think they'd say no, do you? Like you don't think they won't let me adopt her, right?" I asked, suddenly getting nervous about it all. My friend just shook his head, taking his phone out.

"No, not at all. You're like almost a neat freak, theres nothing that the dog would be able to get at that would hurt it," he assured, "what kind of dog even is it?"

"Huskie," I answered, "she's got one green eye and one blue eye, it's cute," I smiled. He awwed in response and stood up straight. I watched him curiously when he bit his lip, and stood there in thought for a minute.

"Okay, I know I said I wasn't telling but you remember that girl Andrea I was talking to?" he asked shyly. A gasp escaped my lips, and I nodded enthusiastically. "Well, I really like her, and I want to ask her out but I don't know if she's interested," he said, his shoulders slouching.

My head tilted to the side, and I looked at him for a second, "Just ask then, if theres no proof if she likes you then just risk it."

For some reason he huffed dramatically, earning a pout from me, "I was trying to hint that you could just ask if she likes anyone," he confessed sheepishly, to which I smirked.

"You want me to be your wingman, huh, Horan," I smiled cheekily, and winked. Niall laughed, and I joined in. "Yeah, I'll do it mate, just for you though. So, when I end up getting all your info and being the best wingman in the world don't you dare go giving out my info and telling others about my work," I raised my eyebrows, but broke through laughing.

"You're so lame, Tomlinson."

"It's one of my many talents," I shrugged.

"Along with what? Stalking a guy that's younger than you and is already more successful?" he joked, resulting to me punching his arm.

"I can still beat your ass on the field though," I huffed.

"Yeah, okay, with what, that new basketball of yours?" he asked. I was instantly confused, and looked at him blindly until he explained himself. But then he said "you're really stupid when you're drunk". And it all made sense.


This was rlly short ik, but I'm gonna sort of skip ahead to like... nonboring stuff so yeah ok bi

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