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[Sunday, January 4 2015, Manchester University, 1:17pm]

I had a big smile on my face as I changed, pulling my shirt off and tugging on my home jersey. I already had everything else on. Shin-guards, socks, cleats, and shorts. We have a game today, and I was pumped. We all were. After all, it determined if we would move forward in the tournament.

Before every game, if there was anyone coming to see any of us personally, like a professional team player, a professional coach, or really anyone special, they'd see us now. We didn't get many professional coaches, and a lot of times if we did they wanted to see us as a team, but sometimes, just sometimes there's celebrities coming. David Beckham came to a practice once, but no, I had to of been at the goddamn hospital since my nan fell down the stairs. She's alright now though.

"Tomlinson!" Coach called through the lockers. His voice came from the main corridor, and I furrowed my eyebrows. I tucked my shirt in as I walked, but once I got into that hall I gasped, covering my face with my hands. My throat went dry, and it took everything in my not to scream or cry seeing that Harry Styles was standing there with Zayn Malik.

I had forgotten that I told him about the game at the meet and greet, but now I was so fucking grateful. He grinned, "Hey!" he cooed, stepping forward and pulling me into a hug. I hugged him tightly back, digging my head into his chest and taking in his heavenly scent.

"Hi!" I laughed as I pulled away, "you actually came!" I beamed. My hands were shaking. I felt like I couldn't breathe.

He nodded, "Course! I wanted to come see you play!" he exclaimed.

Zayn cut in, and oh god, I can't believe he was standing in front of me either. Another sexy god himself. "Even though he barely knows anything about football," he mumbled, causing Harry to nudge his side.

"I know plenty about football," he rolled his eyes, "but anyway, I had remembered you saying you played here and I wanted to come see how well you play. From what Zayn told me you're pretty good?" he raised his eyebrows, and honestly so did I. Zayn knew about me.

"You actually know about me?" I asked, surprised.

Zayn nodded, "Yeah, I pay attention to a bunch of the footie teams in England. Plus, Manchester University is quite popular," he told me, shrugging at the end.

Harry grins, looking back to me, "Yeah, he knows his stuff so I asked him. I uh, really wanted to see you play," he said, stuffing his hands into his pockets with a bashful smile on his face. My cheeks were probably fire red, and I scrunched my nose up.

"Well, thank you," I beamed up at him. It took everything in me to be staying that calm, because if I wasn't in front of other people, especially the footie team who often tease me about my celebrity crush, I would be stuttering and stumbling.

"We've got to go," Zayn says to Harry, who frowns.

He turns to me, "I'll see you after the game hopefully?" he asked, and I nodded frantically. His smile grew bigger, and he mumbled a "good" as he moved to give me another hug goodbye.

Harry and Zayn left, and I was left staring and breathing heavily in my place. Coach startled me by placing his hand on my shoulder. "Alright, Tommo, you met your superstar, now go finish getting ready. We go out in fifteen," he told me.

I nodded to myself. We already warned up earlier, how I didn't see Harry fucking Styles in the stands I don't know. But now that I knew that he was there it'll be the best I'll ever play.

❊ ❊ ❊ ❊

Hurry. 10 seconds. Get away from sideline. Drive. Dodge big red head. Run. Dribble. Shoot.

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