Character Ask pt. 2!

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I will tag you in your question!

[H A R R Y]

@RavynLewis "How do you feel about Louis honestly?"

HARRY: "Honestly? I mean, I love him. He's funny, and witty, and goofy. He's so sweet to me and his family and from what I've seen he's an amazing friend to Niall. He's really attractive." (smirks) "Like, really hot. So I'm just a really lucky guy to get that." (chuckles, gets more serious) "But uhm, he sometimes, kind of, makes me nervous considering there's always going to be times when we'll be spotted and photographed or noticed sometimes. So he needs to learn to get used to that and ignore it if we're going to continue our relationship. He's gotten a lot better with it, though." (nods, shrugs) "I love him, so."

@desiringloubear "I can definitely see the love and lust in your and Louis' relationship... when will you be pulling out the ring?" (smiles)

HARRY: (smiles sheepishly) "Uh, you know, Louis and I have an amazing relationship. I wouldn't trade it for anything. Even though we got to the 'I love you's' quite quickly, I still think we're just taking it steady and a bit more slow, considering my job, you know, and uh, he's hasn't graduated just yet. So I think he'll definitely want to get out there and find something that he loves to do." (fonds in thought of Louis) I wouldn't be on the edge for it. I'd wait quite a bit before we get there."

@desiringloubear (nods) "What's the pressure you feel when people try to use Louis being a fan as an excuse to make you feel low, or make you feel like you're being used?"

HARRY: (furrows eyebrows, clasps hands) "I think, when people try to use that against me or us, it's something out of jealousy, maybe. It obviously isn't something I enjoy. It stings a bit, that someone would drop that low to accuse him of using me. I've gotten to a point where I know Louis more than just a fan or acquaintance, so obviously I know what's real and not. I know him and his moves." (shakes head, light smile) He's a horrid liar, and once told the teacher that he copied his friends homework since he felt so guilty about it. So there's no way he'd be able to use someone." (shrugs, raises eyebrows) "But even knowing that, it still hurts when people say that. It hurts me and I'm sure it hurts him even more since he's the one being falsely accused. I worry that him being a fan will eventually get to the press, and that they'll use it against us, but you just have to ignore it and keep living life knowing that it's all lies."

@desiringloubear "That's something very powerful. Oh, and by the way, if you ever hurt Louis I swear I will... nothing, you don't wanna know. Just don't hurt Louis please! Love you Hazza!"

HARRY: (wide eyes, baffled) "Uh, okay. I don't plan on it."

@larentlove "Don't hurt my baby sunshine I'll stab you. And I love you."

HARRY: (confused once again) "Love you too, I guess?"

@jorpaynee "louis is a smol bean that's wayyy too precious for this world. as much as i love you i will not hesitate to do irrational things. other than that ily and i have no further questions."

HARRY: (looks wildly confused) "I- uh, alright."

@12345larryisreal "Do you top? Cause I think so."

HARRY: (cheeks go red, purses lips) "I mean, I have before, but I really rather prefer to be uh... bottoming."

@elliejade "When are you going to marry Louis?"

HARRY: "I don't know." (laughs) "Not any time soon. I love him, but we're nowhere close to that yet."

[L O U I S]

@RavynLewis "If Harry said he loves you what would you do?"

LOUIS: (chuckles) "I'd say it right back! We've already said it to each other many times, so it wouldn't phase me."

@desiringloubear "What would you do if Harry proposed?"

LOUIS: (shocked) "Uh, I uh, I'm not sure, honestly. We 'avent even been together for five months. I don't think we're ready for marriage yet." (laughs)

@desiringloubear "What do you feel when people tell you that you're using Harry because he's famous?"

LOUIS: (frowns) "I feel hurt, upset. It makes me want to yell at them and tell them to go fuck themselves because they don't know half the things that go on between me and Harry. They don't know what's real and not, so it angers me."

@larentlove "How do you feel about Harry? And pls let me cuddle you ily."

LOUIS: (smiles brightly) "He's the sunshine and my whole entire world. He makes me truly happy and... fuck, I hate this question." (laughs) "There's so much about him. And I guess you can cuddle me, but Harr won't like it."


LOUIS: (startled) "I-I guess? Okay?"

12345larryisreal "Are you a bottom? Cause I think so."

LOUIS: "I mean I've only had sex once, I'm no expert on it. Harry and I have both been experiencing things, and although Harry was a top in his last relationship, and with me once, he's more submissive. When we snog and all. He likes being submissive and taken control of. And uh... I feel like this may sound awkward, but I like taking control of him and being on top. M'not sure if he wants me to say that but yeah." (blushes, nods)

elliejade333 "Can you and Harry adopt me plez."

LOUIS: (confused) "Sorry, love, not ready for kids yet." (jokes)

[L I Z]

@juan11m "Marry me."

LIZ: "Uhm of course I mean why wouldn't I?"

@larryforeva2002 "Love me."

LIZ: (smiles) "Okay." *loves*

@larryforeva2002 "How did you come up with this story?"

LIZ: (confused) "Uh, I uh, I don't know, honestly. I really can't remember, which is shit I know. I think I saw a pic of tatted Harry and boom idea which isn't rlly a valid answer but yeah dONT ATTACK PLS IM SORRY I DONT KNOW."


that concludes our Character Ask (sadly there weren't many questions like cmon guys you've done better than that)

I have a new story that I'm co-writing with desiringloubear called You Make My Heart Race!!! It's a doctor!Harry patient!Louis story and ya know flirting and slowly falling in love within a few weeks and it'll all be fluff bc obviously patient!louis can't have smut bc he's in the hospital...


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