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2k reads!! thank you all ily *hand on heart dramatically*

Currently writing this from my new laptop imeidhfsdfsjdlfsk mERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE EVEN THO ITS LIKE LATE LOL!!!!


[Thursday, January 22 2015, Ellen Show Studio LA, 10:13AM Los Angeles Time]

[H A R R Y]

On my cue, I walked out from behind backstage, waving at everyone in the audience and blowing kisses. I had a grin on my face, and sat down in the empty white chair, getting myself comfortable and crossing my one leg over the other, my hand resting on my ankle.

"How are ya, Harry?" Ellen asked, "I would've asked earlier but your life was on the internet so there was no need," she joked. I chuckled.

"I'm good," I nodded, "enjoying a bit of alone time while I've got it," I smiled.

The blonde raised her eyebrows, snorting, "Is there a new definition of alone, because this is not alone," I was forcing myself not to smile as a picture of me and Louis came up on the screen. It was from when I went out with him, Zayn, and Cara.

"Uh, yeah," I said, not knowing what to say for once, "it was alone plus three," I played with my lip ring bashfully.

Ellen looked at me for a moment, then shook her head, "Yeah okay, we'll pretend that. But who is this not so mystery guy we've been seeing repeatedly?" she asked, "anyone special?"

I nodded thoughtfully, "Of course, he's special. Uhm, well, I met him at my book signing, actually. It was really sweet, uhm-"

"So now when everyone asks if you would ever hook up with a fan you can just show them up and be like, yeah buddy, I already did," she said, and even though it was meant to be a joke I didn't like it.

"Well, it's not as shallow as that," my cheeks were bright red, I could tell. My face felt hot and I pursed my lips embarrassedly. In my couple of years of performing and doing interviews it had never come to a point where I was asked about relationships and I actually had one. I liked it. It made me feel nice, knowing that me and Louis were actually something genuine, and that we were taking our time with our relationship. Hopefully I'll be able to call it that soon.

"As long as we don't see any babies popping up anytime soon we're good," she joked.

I laughed, "Well, I'm gay, so," I shrugged, a grin tugging at the corner of my lips.

The crowd laughed along, and when they calmed down the subject was changed. "Now, I know your birthday is coming up. What do you think your plan is to celebrate, this year?"

I sighed, biting my lip in thought, "Uhm," I drawled out the word, "probably going to hang out with my family and some friends. I don't really feel like doing something real special and big," I admitted.

"And what, what about the boyfriend?" she shook her head slowly, "is he watching? Would he be invited?"

I smiled, "He's probably watching somewhere. It's a bit earlier in England, though, so I think he's in class right now," I paused, "but yeah, he'd definitely be invited."

Ellen nodded, turning to face the audience a bit more, "Alright, well I just want to ask one more question and then we'll watch you perform," she tells me. I nod, and wait a couple seconds for the crowd to settle before asking me a question. "Okay, so there had been rumors that you were coming out with a new album... yay or nay?" she asked, shaking her head in question.

I smiled, "No, no, yeah that's happening. I'm hoping to come out with it sometime this year maybe. Me and my writing team and band  have only recently started recording. But there's this one song I'm really excited about, I think I told Louis about it-"

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