Beat This Summer

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Okay this isn't an update but I have a teen fiction story that I'm writing. Not for school really but my old language arts teacher is helping me out with it because she's hype about this story. ANYWAY it would mean so so so much if you guys would read this little excerpt and tell me if you like it and would read it!!! AND IF YOU LIKE IT I WILL POST THE FIRST CHAPTER AND KEEP YOU GIYS UPDATED ABOUT EVERY WEEK.


Alex stands on her tip toes, stacking boxes of macaroni' one after another. Her shirt is itching her back from the fat tag, and she pulls it up so it sticks out of her collar instead. It's her required shirt for work, and it's dreadful. She likes her old job back in Pennsylvania. South Carolina is hot, and nice, and people have the tiniest accent. She wants to be back home with her friends, and her old house and school. And the loose nob on her brothers door, and her stupid lamp that she had in her room since she was five.

"Do you need help?" someone asks, startling her.

She huffs, "No. I can do it," she only glances at the boy before continuing to stack the items on the shelf. "This job sucks," she sighs.

It's silent for a moment. "Yeah, it does," there's the boy again.

Alex hesitates, a box of food in her hand before she snaps out of it and pushes it onto the shelf. "I thought you were gone," she says.

"No," he pauses, "there's no job for me to do so I'm wandering," he takes some boxes of spaghetti from her cart and starts stacking them. Alex notices, but doesn't say anything. "I'm Xander," he tells her.

She looks at him, "Alex."

A smile breaks on his face, "Like Alexandra?" she nods with a confused expression. He chuckles, "Cause I'm an Alexander so our names are almost the same," he has this bright look on his face, as if he's found the discovery of a new element or sea creature. Alex thinks he seems like that kind of guy.

She snorts and goes back to stacking, "You're a dork," she smirks.

"You don't even know me."

"That's okay. You're still a cool dork," she shrugs, "do you know what the time is? I feel like I've been here for a million years and I want to go home," she swings the cart around and starts walking. Xander follows suit.

"I think it's almost three. That's when I get off," he tells her, "you probably get off the same time as me. I saw you when you came in this morning when I did. Unless you're doing overtime," he rambled on. And usually Alex would be annoyed at someone who just won't shut up. But she lets it slide. He doesn't bother her.

"That's nice," she murmurs, "where in the world is the isle for the crackers and... cookies and whatever the hell this is?!" she exclaims, holding up a small box of what looks like crackers that are moldy. They aren't, but crackers with intentional green and blue dots isn't a smart idea.

"They go with the bread isle," Xander pushes the cart, but before he gets even two isles over she pulls him into a random one, leaving the cart deserted. "What're you doing?" Xander almost trips over his own two feet.

"There's a hot boy!" she whisper yells, but when she see's a girl with him she tsk's to herself. "Never mind," she looks at him, "you look uncomfortable. Have you ever had a girlfriend? Or flirted before?" she teases. Though his face gets all red, and she furrows her eyebrows, "hey it's fine if you haven't. First boyfriend I had was in ninth grade. Was the last, too. Lasted two months," she grabs the cart as she talks, giving him something to smile about.

"Well, having little crushes on all the popular girls who already had boyfriends wasn't my brightest idea," he jokes.


there's more but that's all you're getting :)


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also I'll probably update the next chapter in one or two days. maybe even today if I get the time :)

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