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[Sunday, December 21 2014, Harry Styles M&G, 7:03am]

[L O U I S]

We left extra early, at seven, so that one) we could get coffee, and two) we could be in front of the line. The second one didn't work out so much. Yes, we were closer to the front, but there was still some people in front of us. About fifteen.

Niall kept complaining about how we should've waited some and not of come this early, but I muted him out.

About two hours and a half after we got there, at about nine-thirty, the security guards tried quieting us. I didn't know why, no one did. But then a boy stepped out of the shadows and stood behind the table, a grin on his face. "Hello!" he called, cheekily waving to us all, "alright, let's do it, then," he spoke to the man next to him, but I could read his lips. He rubbed his hands together, letting out a loud laugh and clapping before sitting down.

"I'm scared, oh my god. He's fucking real," my breath hitched in my throat, and I waved my hands at my face, breathing in and out with shaky breaths.

I was speechless, I had just seen the love of my life, and then after twenty minutes I was two people from him. I swear I caught him glance at me at least twice. I was probably wrong, but hey, I like to dream.

"Niall, please just don't embarrass me. I swear if you do I'll hit the back of your head so hard your damn eyes will fall out," I told him.

"Oops, bet he won't wanna mess with you. You're quite the sassy one aren't you," a deep voice chuckled. My eyes widened, and I turned around, my jaw dropping at the singer in front of me. The security guard told me to hurry up, and I quickly set my book down in front of him on the table. "What's your name, love?" Harry smiled at me.

"Hi!- I-I mean, Louis," I spoke, my eyes wide as I watched him, adored him, admired him, as he scribbled words in the book. "I love you," I blurted, my hands covering my mouth right after. "I'm sorry, that just came out I-I just..." I stammered.  "Sorry," I breathed shakily again.

Harry must've noticed my embarrassingly messed up and nervous state, because after he finished writing in my book he stood and leaned over to give me a slight hug before handing me my book. "Thank you, Louis," he grinned, and I gave him a wave that he returned before being ushered off for other people's turn.

We stood off to the side. I stared at Harry, and squealed with tears in my eyes when I saw him glance to the side at us for a split second. "Oh my god! That was him!" I said, my hands covering my mouth as the tears in my eyes threatened to spill, "that was Harry Styles. He hugged me and told me he loved me. Oh my god, Niall!" I said, waving my hands at my face. I let out a choked sob, launching into Niall's chest for a tight hug.

The blonde chuckled as he hugged me back, and then guided me out of the building. We were stood outside of the building, and I was shaking my head, wiping frantically at my eyes. Niall took me into a side hug, where I squeezed him to death while I quickly cried for a minute again.

The whole thing went so quickly. Too quickly for me to dismiss or recall. I barely remembered it, I couldn't process the rapid twenty seven seconds I was stood in front of Harry Styles. I counted.

We went back into the coffee shop right next door, and sat down. I was still shaken up from the short experience, but I had stopped crying for the time being.

"What did he write!" I gasped, opening the book to the first blank page where he wrote.

Hi Louis! Lovely to see you again! Thank you
for all your support, take care, don't cry lovely or I'll feel bad, oops!

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