Chapter 28

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The social worker drove straight to her meeting and let her colleagues know Harry's diagnosis. Everyone nodded and felt sorry for the boy. They discussed how to go forward. She explained to them about her plan for Harry's grandparents and sister to visit him at the hospital. She also asked if Anne could stay that night with Harry as either Jay or Troy would stay with Harry too. Not that they still didn't trust Anne, but the process wasn't finished yet.

"Yes definitely, she needs to know how to care for Harry's condition. Can you advise Anne to do most of the care for harry with either Troy, Jay or a nurse in the room?." The social worker supervisor said. "Of course" the social worker smiled. The social worker immediately went to her office after the meeting. She turned her computer on and sent an email to Anne and Jay with everything that was talked in the meeting and the advice her boss had for Anne in regards of Harry's care in the hospital.

The social worker then found Alana's number and told her that they could visit their grandson later today with Gemma. "Thank you that will be amazing" Alana said. "Don't tell Anne as it is a surprise for both of them" the social worker said. Alana agreed on that and kept the secret from Anne.

She called his husband and Gemma and told them about the surprise for Anne and Harry. "Really, Grandma?! I-I can visit my baby brother now?!" Gemma asked, getting emotional. Once Alana told her it was real, Gemma ran upstairs to the bedrooms, looking around for anything she could take to the hospital for Harry. She knew there were still things around the house for him. Once she gathered a few stuff, she went to her room to search in her wardrobe for an outfit to wear when they go to the hospital. Then, she waited in her room for the social worker's call. She was over the moon with the news.

The social worker had given Alana the hospital address and told them that they could make their way there to the hospital. Alana told Gemma and Dave to get ready. Gemma squealed and got ready as quickly as she could. Once dressed, she took what she gathered together and went downstairs to wait for her grandparents.

They soon got in the car and Dave drove to the destination they had been told. It took around an hour to get there. Gemma was impatient to see her baby brother and was jumping on her seat. She was so excited that, even before parking, she was already trying to open the door and get out of the car.

They soon parked up and walked to the hospital. 'Gem I know you're excited. But, harry may be asleep when we get to his room." Alana said. Gemma pouted. "But, I want to see him and play with him. I brought his stuff" Gemma said, showing her grandparents the bag.


Jay looked at her phone as harry slept and smiled as she saw the social worker had emailed them about Anne being able to stay. "Anne, check your email. You can stay here and learn how to take care for Harry's condition once he goes back home with you, as his illness could be long term." Jay said smiling at Anne. Anne immediately did as told and smiled widely, looking at her sleeping son.

She let the boy sleep afraid that if she touched him she would make him vomit. She chatted to Jay as harry slept. Shortly after this there was a knock on the door. Troy opened it and smiled as he put his hand to his lips to show that harry was sleeping.

"Anne" troy smiled. Anne looked around and beamed at seeing her parents and daughter. "Can you keep an eye on harry while I go to explain to them Harry's condition" Anne said. "Sure, go with them." Jay said, smiling as she changed places with Anne. Anne went out of the room, followed by her parents and daughter. As much as Gemma wanted to be next to Harry, at least watching him sleep, she also wanted to know what Harry's real illness was.

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