Chapter 1

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Just a reminder this was written by myself and @Midnight_wolf_1214   copied and pasted it and edited but is doesn't want to write it anymore so I am looking for a new co-writer please message on here or inbox me.

Anne had agreed to get in for work for 7:30am due to another staff member being off from work due to family issues. Desmond, her husband had been left to take both of their kid's Harry and Gemma who are both eight and eleven to School like it always is, though while walking through work Anne's mind became else where other than work.

You see Anne is slightly worried about her youngest Harry, as he has been put off his food and clingy the night before, only she put it down due to tiredness as Harry had slept the whole night since. Well she tried to tell herself that but she couldn't help but let her mind wonder, but of course she had nothing to worry about for when Harry get's sick he usually shows it...but apart from being clingy and tired there was no other symptoms so she still believed it to be tiredness but there was that nagging feeling in the back of her mind telling her otherwise, maybe a mothers intuition.


That morning unfortunately for Anne, she couldn't check her baby boy out for Des had said that he'll be fine and that he will check Harry before dropping them off at school...but of course that was all a lie that she couldn't see through, probably getting too used to it by now. Anne sighed and tried her best to concentrate on her work set before her.


Back at the Style's house Desmond had gotten to work at waking Gemma and Harry up ready for school, which Harry proved to be difficult to wake up which is unusual for the boy, but did he care....not at all. Harry eventually got up but his stomach is hurting him and so he began to cry for his mummy.

"Stop being an absolute baby" Des scolded the boy thinking that the curly haired boy is just trying to get out of school, plus he didn't tolerate this sort of behavior nor could he be bothered lately. Harry stopped his tears immediately for Des is a very controlling man and what Gemma and Harry found out is that whatever Daddy says is what they have to do.

Des left the boys bedroom leaving Harry to hobble over to the bathroom so he could try to go poop as his tummy felt weird.

Harry tried going but of course nothing happened apart from him doing a wee which in a matter of fact disappointed him for his stomach still really hurt, yet he didn't feel like he needed to throw up or feel the need to eat either.

Harry wiped himself up and pulled back up his pajama bottoms before washing his hands. He then went back into his bedroom to go get dressed for school all the while rubbing his sore tummy in between getting dressed.


Meanwhile Des on the other hand is downstairs making Gemma and Harry breakfast as if he let his children do it, he would be waiting longer because no doubt they'll make a mess. Gemma is the first to appear downstairs all dressed in her uniform with her hair straightened and only slight make up on. Harry meanwhile took longer to appear which didn't even strike on Des' radar as suspicious, like stated he probably doesn't even care.

Once breakfast is done and Harry had still not appeared yet, Des stormed over to the bottom of the stairs with an annoyed scowl on his face. "Harry Edward Styles! Get your back side down these stairs this instant! At this rate your not only going to make your sister late but me as well, get a move on!" Des heard a small 'I'm coming' and walked back into the kitchen to finish off his morning coffee.

Harry slowly made his way downstairs and when he entered the kitchen to find his breakfast waiting for him he sighed unhappily. He isn't hungry...not in the slightest. Gemma had finished her breakfast and so went back upstairs to brush her teeth, leaving a none hungry Harry with their dad.

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