Chapter 8

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It was certainly a long night for both Dave and Sam as when one stopped vomiting another child started. In the end they decided to take it in shifts while one slept the other one took care of the sick ones. Gemma managed to stay asleep the whole night, but the other three were up more than half the night which meant grumpy sick children tomorrow.

At the hospital, Anne had woken up and vomited a few times during the night. Just when she thought she was getting on the mend, she ends up throwing up again. Harry had vomited his fair share too, his grandma getting up and being at his aid. Unfortunately for Harry, he had also used his nappy too much that it had leaked, the nursed and Alana then realized that on top of vomiting, the poor boy also had bad diarrhoea. The nurse carefully changed him a few times keeping making sure to keep the boy asleep and to not disturb him. The next couple of days were exactly the same.

Over the next week everyone had recovered from the nasty bug, well everyone other than Harry that is. Anne was back to health within two days but was put on strict bed rest and is advised to stay away from Harry as he is still very much contagious. Anne sighed but agreed otherwise, leaving her son in the capable hands of her mother while Anne slept and recuperated. Anne didn't feel safe going back to hers or her parents house on her own after what had happened so luckily the hospital let her stay as long as she stayed in her own bed and rested including no going over to her sick little baby boy.

Dave and Sam were looking after her sick kids. Josh only being eighteen month's old was really clingy to his mummy, especially when sick as where all children in these kind of scenarios. Poor little Josh had severe diarrhoea and was having constant nappy changes throughout the night and day. He kept leaking through and screamed while being changed as his bottom was so sore thanks to his stupid bowels. Sam or Dave had grown to applying cream every change.

Haley was really ill for three days, she kept diarllyte down thank goodness but that was about it. It came out one way or the other. It wasn't until the fourth day she managed to keep half a bowl of soup down which is a new record for her, though Haley is exhausted.

Jackson is pretty much the same as Haley. He is pretty much stuck to the toilet on the third day as he couldn't stop his bowels from opening up as he didn't want to have an accident, he even had a bucket on his lap as well while sitting on the toilet.

Sam and Dave were running around like headless chickens for the first two days till Sam's husband, Jacob had come home. It seemed a great relief for him to be home as now they could have a child each. Jacob had managed to persuade Jackson into getting some sleep, promises of treats and places they could go when they are all feeling a hundred percent again. Dave along with Sam and Jacob are proud of Gemma as she helped as best as she could for an eleven year old, fetching nappies and help clean up after dinner, going as far as to cheer Josh and Haley up as they looked so miserable.

It was on the fourth day that it seemed they all looked as if they have come over the worst part of the sickness, today being the day Dave had to go over to the hospital to collect Anne, who is waiting in the entrance for him. They were going back to Alana and Dave's house so Alana stayed with harry who is still suffering a lot. Harry's bowels had improved but still had a slight fever and vomiting a lot. Anne wished she could be there for Harry but knew far too well that she is too exhausted from both the illness and the traumatic drama beforehand.


His grandma is nice and all, plus she gives the best hugs ever....But Harry just wanted his mummy.....he wanted his mummy to hold him and tell him everything is going to be alright and that he will be out of hospital in no time at all. Of course though not everything went to Harry's liking as one, his Mummy is near enough back to full health, and two because his mummy is near enough fully recovered from the illness, she can't go near her baby boy as Harry is still very much so contagious, the doctors rather be safe than sorry.

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