Chapter 31

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The next morning, Troy arrived at the hospital, after dropping Louis at school, with fresh homemade breakfast for Jay and Anne. They all sat together and ate while Harry was still asleep. Anne wondered when it would be safe for Harry to eat some actual food through his mouth. She knew that, as a kid, he has a sweet tooth and also cravings for food and drinks.

The nurse came to check on harry and once she had done the boys vitals Anne asked the nurse when harry would be able to eat. The nurse told her that it will be a slow process to get to that point. She also told her not to worry and to be patient, that she was sure Harry will get there soon. The nurse suggested they can try it before Harry goes back home.

Anne thanked the nurse, then cuddled Harry as the boy slept. Alana made her way to the hospital to see her grandson. Alana arrived to the hospital and went to the gift store first, before going to Harry's room. She walked around it, looking for something suitable for his grandson. She smiled when her eyes found a set of Lego and she decided to buy it right away. Once she bought it, she went on her way to the room.

She knocked on the door before opening it, quietly in case harry was asleep, which he was. Anne smiled at her mum. They had a small chit chat before harry stirred. Anne went over to Harry. "Look who came to visit, baby" Anne said once Harry opened his eyes. "Hi grandma." Harry smiled softly, still not fully awake. "Hi, sweetie. I brought you something" Alana said, showing him the Lego. Harry smiled tiredly again. "Thank'oo" He said quietly.

Alana smiled at her grandson and went to cuddle the tired boy as they watched a bit of tv. Harry dozed off again, being exhausted. "Hard night, I'm guessing?" Alana asked. "Yeah. Most of it." Anne said. Alana nodded and continued to cuddle Harry, kissing his hair from time to time. Anne and Jay smiled at the two of them.

Harry slept for a while and when he woke up he was more alert and wanted his grandma to play with the Lego with him. Anne had gone for a sleep, being exhausted. Alana and Harry played together with the Lego, building different things out of their imagination. Harry was all giggles and smiles as he played with his grandma. He stayed that way for a good long time.

Jay told Anne to go home for the night as she was exhausted. Anne was reluctant but Alana said she would stay. Jay got that cleared and it was all good. Anne cuddled Harry and said goodbye. "Bye bye, mummy. See 'oo tomowow." Harry said quietly as they cuddled. Anne left the hospital and went back home. Harry stayed cuddled against Alana and played with the Lego. Then they did some colouring. Jay had an eye on Harry all the time just in case something changed.

Troy had gone home too. Harry seemed very happy as he played. Alana made sure the boy didn't overdo it and soon they cuddled up and watched cartoons. Harry enjoyed his cartoons, giggling every time something funny happened or his favorite characters appeared on the screen. Alana was happy to see her grandson having a good and settled day so far. Jay not only kept an eye on Harry, but kept taking pictures of the different things he did since Anne and Troy left. She kept sending them to the two.

Anne was pleased harry was having an ok day and was able to relax. When Gemma finished school she picked the girl up from school. "How's Hazzie, mummy?" Gemma asked as she got in the car when Anne picked her up. "He's having an ok day" Anne said and handed Gemma the phone for her to look at the pictures Jay sent. Gemma smiled as she looked at them on the way to their home. They went home and cuddled for a bit before Anne decided to treat them to a take away.

Gemma went for the menus in the kitchen and looked through them. She took two to where Anne was, not really deciding on what to eat. She was debating between burgers and pizza. "Can't make a choice, mummy". Gemma said handing out the menus. "What you deciding between." Anne asked Gemma. "Burgers and fries or pizza" Gemma said looking at her mum, asking for help. "Let's get a pizza and we can share one." Anne said, fancying pizza. Gemma nodded, liking the idea and went to look for Anne's phone, bringing it to her to make the call. "Should we invite grandpa over?" Gemma asked. "That's a great idea." Anne called her dad before calling to the pizza place to order for the pizza.

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